perm filename TRACES[DIS,DBL] blob sn#229970 filedate 1976-08-11 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	.ASEC(Traces of AM in Action)
C00004 00003	.ASSEC(Prose Traces)
C00041 00004	.ASSEC(A `Nice' Task-by-task Trace)
C00074 00005	:: Restrict the Domain/range facet  of Bag-union: because Bags-of-T's
C00109 00006	::  Fill  in   specializations  of  TIMES:  because  TIMES   is  very
C00143 00007	.ASSEC(An `Unadulterated' Trace)
C00200 ENDMK
.ASEC(Traces of AM in Action)


There  are three  types  of  traces  which are  represented  in  this
appendix.    First comes  a  high-level prose  desription,  a
commentary on AM as it goes through a long, successful run.   This is
an  expanded  version of  the  historian's  description  of AM  as  a
mathematician,  found  in Section  {[2]OVERV}.{[2]AMAMSSEC},  on page


Next comes a detailed description  of what AM did, on  a numbered
task-by-task basis.  This is an expanded version  of the task-by-task
trace   given   in   Section   {[3]RESULT}.{[3]SHORTASK},   on   page
{[3]SHORTASKP}.   For each task,  a paragraph is  provided explaining
what  AM did, why, and  what happened.   These task
summaries start on page {[3]TRAT}. The task numbers listed there
correspond to the numbering in Section {[3]RESULT}.{[3]SHORTASK}.

Finally, several pages of traces  are presented in totally undoctored
form, so  the reader can see that (i) it ⊗4is⊗* harder to follow than
the slightly rephrased ones,  and yet (ii) those  earlier, "doctored"
traces didn't  enhance (or alter the  the spirit of)  what AM printed


.ASSEC(Prose Traces)




In this  section are  sketched many  of the  paths which AM  explored
during its runs.
Besides describing what AM did, this section will
explain  why, and indicate where each path led.
Along  the way, some concepts were  created which were interesting to
⊗4us⊗* (in the  smug wisdom  of millenia of  hindsight) but which  AM
never bothered  to develop. These will  be noted, and a  stab will be
made to  apologize  for  AM$$  The typical  excuse  is  that  AM  was
distracted at that moment  by some even more interesting task.   $. A
few exciting moments  occurred when AM became interested in a concept
which had been ignored by humans -- at least, unknown to  the author.
Very often the  "new discovery" was never shown to  be anything other
than cute (e.g., the concept of Timberline; see page {[3]GEOEX} for a
definition and diagram of it).


AM began by exploring structures and structural
operations.    After  it was  started,  with  the  base of  knowledge
outlined in the previous  chapter, the main  activity AM did for  the
first several  minutes was to  fill in  examples of various  kinds of
structures  (e.g., Sets),  structural operations  (e.g., Insert), and
create new concepts of this type (e.g., Singleton).   In more detail,
here is what was done:

Trying to fill in examples of set-operations, AM kept failing because
there were no known examples of Sets to "run" those operations on. So
it turned to filling in examples of Sets. Some of these came from the
recursive definition of a  set: "S is a set if S={} or if both (i) we
can  pull  an  element  y  out  of  S  using  Some-member,  and  (ii)
Set-delete(y,S) is a set". A heuristic rule knew  to extract the base case
from such a definition, yielding {} as one example of a set.  Another
heuristic said to run operations whose range is `Sets'. One of these is
Set-insert. So a procedure for getting a new set is to take the given
set S, and anything  y, and run Set-insert(y,S).  When this was done,
using S={}, a bunch of singletons were created. AM literally collected
Examples(Anything)  and randomly chose  members y from  that big and varied
Other set-operations were run just to provide some additional examples
of Sets.   Not every attempt was successful, of  course: one heuristic
said  to find some examples of Lists, and  then use the View facet of
Sets to transform them into sets. Unfortunately, there were no examples
of any other  kinds of structures at the moment,  so this rule failed.
After about 20 cpu seconds, the  time and space quanta were both  just
about exhausted.  Roughly 30 examples of sets were found.

In similar ways, examples were found for Bags, Lists, Osets, and Ordered-pairs.
Examples of structural operations were found "incidentally" as above -- to aid
in producing examples of a certain kind of structure. Occasionally, the primary
task (the one selected from the agenda) was to find examples of a given
operation. In that case, AM spent a great deal of time just on that one operation.
For example, consider Set-union. When AM got around to filling in some examples for
it, many examples already existed under the concepts of Sets, Bags, and
Bag-union. One way to get examples of Set-union was by analogy to Bag-union.
This caused some slightly erroneous entries to be found
(e.g., {a,b,c}∪{a,c,e}={a,a,b,c,c,e}). Such errors were soon caught and corrected
when the task ⊗6"Check examples of Set-union"⊗* was chosen from the agenda.
Similar errors and corrections occurred when AM viewed lists as if they were osets,
in order to find examples of osets.

The simple development described above was broken frequently by some new
concept being created and found to be very interesting. In fact, if left to its own 
judgment, AM
would never finish the above process, because of these interruptions. The user
must interrupt and tell it to ignore new concepts, if he really wants AM to
finish finding examples of all those structures and operations. 

What kinds of
concepts were created, and why? What did AM do to investigate them? 
In general, what happened was this: As AM collected examples of a concept C,
the characteristics of its efforts (how easy/hard to find examples, how
varied they were, etc.) caused certain heuristic rules to trigger. Those
rules then caused some new concepts to be created, for a particular reason.
AM would find examples of them, then compare the results with already-known

The first instance of this process was when AM found many examples of sets
so easily. A rule said that in such cases, it was worthwhile specializing
the concept Sets. That is, make a new concept which would have fewer
examples. One way AM did this was to look over the Interest features of all
generalizations of Sets, pluck a couple of them, and conjoin them onto the
definition of Sets, thereby getting a definition for a brand new concept,
called interesting-sets or INT-Sets for short.
The feature selected first was the following: each pair of elements of the
structure satisfy the same rare predicate P, for some P. This was previously
tacked onto the Interest facet of Structures.
Initially, there were very few predicates known: Constantly-True, Constantly-False,
The following three types of INT-Sets were therefore eventually found:


(i) Sets -- the same concept but in a new disguise
(for any pair of members from ⊗4any⊗* set, Constantly-True would return True),

(ii) Empty-sets -- an already known concept, but now with a new definition
(for any pair of members from ⊗4any⊗* set, Constantly-False would never return True),

(iii) Singletons `{a}' (sets for which all pairs are Equal to each other).


This immediately catapulted the empty set to stardom. 
Another heuristic rule had AM restrict its attention to the predicates which were
not trivial. In this case, both Constant-True and Constant-False were no longer eligible.
So the only remaining INT-Sets were those for which all pairs of elements were 
Equal. AM decided to explicitly define a new kind of set having just that definition.
This became a specialization of INT-Sets, called Equality-sets or Esets for short.
Since the empty set was already distinguished, it was decided not to include
it as a valid Eset. So Esets were precisely the sets we would call Singletons.

Unfortunately, the set-operation Union, when applied to Singletons, didn't
always yield singletons. By isolating the kind of sets they ⊗4did⊗* yield,
and not counting the few extreme cases when they yielded singletons, AM
discovered the concept of Doubleton: a set with precisely two members.
Typically, the union of Singletons was a doubleton, their intersection
was the empty set, their Set-difference was a singleton, inserting anything
into a singleton was a doubleton, removing something left a singleton, etc.
The exceptions were all related to when the arguments were equal.

Several more structural concepts were created and explored in this way,
besides Singleton:
Doubleton, Tripleton, Function (an operation, all of whose  values were
singleton sets: i.e., a single-valued operation),...
In general, these occurred because the intial primitive concepts were
too general, too easy to satisfy.

During its investigation of Set-Intersection, AM noticed that sometimes
X∩Y=X, and formalized that relationship between two sets. This is just the
relation we normally call Superset. The notion of Subset also was discovered,
but AM never had much interest in either of these notions.

When AM looked for examples satisfying the predicate Object-Equality,
abbreviated Equal, the situation was just the opposite. A heuristic rule
attached to `Active' indicated that examples could be found by randomly
instantiating the two arguments of Equal with a pair of objects. There
were about 100 known examples of structures. AM gathered them into one set, and
then repeatedly chose a pair of them to run Equal on.
Thus only about 1% of the time did it succeed (did Equal return the value T).
Another heuristic triggerred, and said that in such cases, it was worthwhile
trying to generalize the predicate Equal. A new task to this effect was added to the

Soon, AM selected this task, and tried to create new concepts which were 
generalizations of Equal. One definition of Equal was a transparent recursive one,
which essentially said that x and y were Equal iff their Cars and their Cdrs were,
plus it had a base step that asked if both arguments were empty
(in which case Equal returned True), or if precisely one argument was empty
(in which case Equal returned False), or if both arguments were identical
atoms (True), or if they were nonidentical atoms or only one was an atom (False).


⊗1λ⊗* (x,y)
  IF x and y are identical atoms, THEN return True;\⊗8⊃⊗3
  ELSE IF either x or y is not a list, THEN return False;\⊗8εαα⊗4Base⊗3
       ELSE IF both x and y are Null lists, THEN return True;\⊗8εαα⊗4Cases⊗3
	    ELSE IF only one of x or y is Null, THEN return False;\⊗8$⊗3
	     	 ELSE both of these must be true:
			Equal( CAR(x), CAR(y) )
			Equal( CDR(x), CDR(y) )

One heuristic rule that AM possessed suggested that this could be generalized
in a small way by weakening the base step. A couple new concepts were created
this way, but they all turned out to be trivial: either constantly returning
T, or no different than Equal was.

Another heuristic suggested weakening the recursive step. One way to do this,
since the recursive step is a conjunction, is to remove one of the conjuncts.
The rule checks to ensure that the definition is still recursive: one of the remaining
conjuncts must call on the function itself.
In this case, both conjuncts call on Equal, so AM can remove either one. Two new
concepts were generated in this manner. For example, here is one of them, which
AM named "⊗8Equ0⊗*":


⊗1λ⊗* (x,y)
  IF x and y are identical atoms, THEN return True;\⊗8⊃⊗3
  ELSE IF either x or y is not a list, THEN return False;\⊗8εαα⊗4Base⊗3
       ELSE IF both x and y are Null lists, THEN return True;\⊗8εαα⊗4Cases⊗3
	    ELSE IF only one of x or y is Null, THEN return False;\⊗8$⊗*
	     	 ELSE Equ0( CDR(x), CDR(y) )

Note that the base cases were unchanged; the recursive step is a recursion in
the CDR direction, but no longer in the CAR direction. A note to that effect
is placed inside the definition of Equ0 itself, as a comment.
Other parts of Equ0 can be filled in easily: it is a generalization of Equal,
it is an example of a Predicate, its domain/range is the same as Equal,
its worth is initially set a little higher than Equal's, etc.

This predicate maps down two lists, one element at a time, and returns True
iff they both become empty at the same moment. That is, iff they have the
same length. In fact, we can assume that the user interrupts and orders AM
to rename Equ0 as "Same-length".

The other new generalization, called "Equ1", examines the CAR's (i.e., the first elements)
of a pair of lists, and returns True if they were identical atoms; if they
were both lists, it recurses on those two lists.
A human LISP programmer's interpretation is as follows: when the two lists
were written out in standard notation (using parentheses), all the initial
left parentheses match, and the first non-left-parenthesis entity of each list
also matches.
Although this is isomorphic to numbers again$$ Two list structures were treated
as equivalent if they have the same number of left parentheses; zero is the
list NIL; adding 1 is consing with NIL; subtracting 1 is CAR. $, AM didn't
pursue this concept very far. Most of the examples of lists AM knew about
were only 1-level deep, although they varied significantly in length.
If it had been otherwise, AM might have developed Equ1 into Same-length,
and lost interest in Equ0.
As it was, the Worth of this concept  Equ1
slowly declined, and very few
tasks involving it bubbled up to the top of the agenda.

The concept of Same-length will form the springboard for the development of cardinality,
a tale which is related in a little while.
Before moving on, let's mention a couple more set-theoretic activities that AM

Several moderately interesting compositions and coalescings were done to set-operations.
(Actually, to structure-operations). First let's discuss the coalescings of
operations f(x,y) into new operations f(x,x) -- where a pair of arguments is
made to coincide.
Coalescing Insert (insert S into itself) 
led to an operation which always seemed to give
a bigger set than it started with. This led AM to the finitely-true
conjecture that a set is never a member of itself.
The conjecture was rediscovered when the coalescing of Delete seemed to produce
the identity operation (Deleting S from S never seemed to change the value of S).

Coalescing Intersect also gave the identity operation; this showed that S∩S=S
(apparently). Similarly for Union.
Coalescing "Compose" gave a new operation of some value: the notion of composing
f with f. When this was applied to, e.g., Intersect, it created the new
operation Intersect-o-Intersect, which took 3 arguments and formed their
common intersection. By forming this in two ways
-- (x∩y)∩z and also x∩(y∩z) -- AM noticed that they were the same, that
the order didn't matter. Since x∩x had already been shown to be the identity
operation, multiple occurrences of an element in an intersection don't make any
Finally, AM had constructed x∩y and y∩x as two separate operations, and then
found them to be equivalent. Taking all these results together, it was possible to
view ∩ as taking a ⊗4set⊗* of sets as its
argument, and forming the intersection of all those sets. Thus
∩({ {a,b,c},{c,g,h},{a,c,e} })={c}.

Some valuable compositons were formed. By forming x∩(y∪z) and
(x∩y)∪(x∩z) as two separate compositions, AM found their equivalence
via experimental data. This was one case where the Intuition functions
had given AM an unfair advantage, since the Venn-diagram abstract representation
for sets suggested this relationship explicitly. When the intuition was removed,
the discovery was made much more valid. All of de Morgan's laws were discovered
in this manner, incidentally. Several special cases were singled out, involving
empty sets, singletons, and doubletons.$$
E.g., if x is a singleton, then x∩(y∪z) is equal to either x∩y or to x∩z;
if both those sets were the same, then of course x∩(y∪z) is equal to their
common value; if the two sets differ, then one is empty and the other is
x, and the ultimate intersection is equal to x. Or: that intersection is
always either x or the empty set. $

The compositon Delete-o-Insert is not quite so trivial as one might think:
it  takes a structre S, inserts an element e, and then removes element e.
This simple operation can be used to test the type of structure that S is:
it ⊗4never⊗* alters a Bag or a List, but it does alter Sets and Osets.
Orthogonally, Insert-o-Delete always alters Lists and Osets, but can leave
Bags and Sets unchanged. The first composition tests for multiple elements, and the
second composition tests for order. AM defined both of these, and (at least
partially) perceived their abilities to distinguish structural types.

Operations formed by switching the two arguments of an old operation
were marginally interesting. They helped pin down the true nature of what
kind of argument the operation should be considered as taking.
For example, Union(x,y)=Union(y,x), so Union can take an unordered collection
of sets as its argument, and form their union.
Similarly, we see that Insert(x,y) is in general quite different from Insert(y,x).
When AM tries to see what invariants exist for this operation, it can notice only 
the trivial constraint x=y is sufficient to cause the order of arguments not to
matter. If it had the concept of the LISP function "COUNT", which counts up all the
storage space used, or "FLATTEN", which removes all parentheses from a list structure,
then AM would notice that the COUNT's of both forms of Inserting were equal in number,
and that their FLATTEN's were equal sets of elements.

Looking for invariants is one favorite pastime of AM. In general, two operations
f and g will not coincide. AM wants to find a unifying operation U, such that
U(f(x))=U(g(x)); or, AM tries to find a U such that
f(U(x))=g(U(x)). This is of course the idea mathematicians normally refer to as
AM calls this process Canonizing. Canonizing the two orders of Insert
(x into y, and y into x) would hopefully find the operation U=FLATTEN or
U=COUNT. Canonizing Same-length will cause the operation of Length to be synthesized.
Canonizing the notion of angles-equal-in-measure were the operations we normally
call rigid motions in the plane.

.COMMENT Numbers;

Let's pick the main thread of development again, before we lose it entirely.
Earlier, the operation "Same-length" was synthesized, as
a generalized form of the predicate which told when two structures were equal.
Same-length(x,y) is True iff x and y are two list structures which have
the same length (i.e., the same number of elements).
This new predicate was examined by AM, and sure enough it let many more
pairs of random objects return True than Equality did, yet it didn't let too
high a percentage through: just about 10%. This made AM want to find an
invariant, a canonizing function f, which put any given list structure x into
a standard form f(x), satisfying:

⊗6Same-length(x,y) iff Equal(f(x),f(y))⊗*

That is, x and y would have the same length precisely when the standard
forms of x and y were identically equal to each other.

AM had to synthesize this function f, step by step. First it performed
some experiments, and found that Same-length didn't care what the
type of its arguments were. If a certain Set S did/didn't satisfy
Same-length(R,S), then the same result would obtain if S were replaced
by Viewing S as a list, or as a bag, or as an oset. Thus the standard form
of a structure could be fixed as one specific type. But which should it
be (bag,  set, list, oset)? To find out, AM ran two more experiments.
The first experiment was to see whether Same-length(R,S) was affected when
the order of elements inside R were changed. This turned out to be negative.
So R might as well be an unordered structure: bag or set.
The next experiment had AM decide whether or not multple elements inside
R would affect the value of Same-length(R,S). This turned out positive,
so multiple elements had to be taken into account. The canonical type
of argument was thus either bag or list. Together, the two experiments
indicated that the type had to be Bag. So the canonizing function f would
first convert any argument R to a bag.
A note tacked onto the Same-length concept's definition said that this
concept didn't look at the Car's or value-cells of its arguments.
That would mean that they should all be replaced by some fixed value, like T.
This checked out experimentally. So f should replace each element in the
structure R by the constant T. The final operation f synthesized was:

⊗6f(R) = Replace-each-element-by-T ( Convert-to--bag (R) )⊗*.

This operation would convert {a, (b,c,{d},e,e), q} into (T,T,T).
The set of standard forms for bags was called Canonical-bags, and renamed
by the user as Numbers. The canonizing operation f was called Length,
by the user, since it converts any structure into a "number" which represents
the length of that structure:

⊗6Same-length(R,S) iff Equal(Length(R),Length(S))⊗*

AM now made explicit an important analogy: bags↔numbers, equal↔same-length,
bag-operations↔[those same operations, restricted to canonical-bags].
Several minutes were spent developing these restricted bag-operations.
The old operation of inserting a bag S into itself provided a cute way to 
"add 1" to
any number.
The Bag-union operation union turned into what we call Addition:

⊗6Bag-union( (T T T) (T T) ) = (T T T T T)⊗* means "3+2=5", in unary.


TIMES was discovered in four ways, as discussed previously in the thesis.

The intersection of two "numbers" is the operation we call MINIMUM:

⊗6Intersect((T T T) (T T T T)) = (T T T)⊗* just says "Minimum(3,4)=3".

AM likes to find inverses, and the inverse of these operations turned out
to be the ones we call subtraction, factoring, division, less-than, etc.

AM likes coalescing, and some important operations were created that way, too:
Add(x,x) is Doubling; Times(x,x) is Squaring; the inverses of those were
Halving and Square-rooting (both restricted to natural numbers).

AM worried about which numbers could be halved or square-rooted,
and this led to the creation of the concepts Even-numbers and Perfect-squares.
When asking when a number z can be the result of a multiplication involving x,
AM derived the notion of Divides; analogously, AM defined the relation which
meant that Add of x and something else could yield z. That relation is just
"⊗6≤⊗*", and was called LEQ by the user. AM noticed many simple properties of

AM likes composing and reversing args, 
and thereby figured out that most arithmetic operations
like Add and Times take a ⊗4bag⊗* of numbers to work on.

TIMES-1- was, as we said, factoring: given n, find all possible bags of numbers
(>1) whose product yielded n. 
The identity of Times ("1") was intentionally excluded,
since its presence in any quantity would not affect the result of Times.
AM soon asked itself about numbers with extreme or unusual factorings.


Primes were found in this way, as was Goldbach's conjecture. The example in
chapter {[2]EXAM1} went into this in great detail.
A large number of spurious analogous concepts were created and studied, to no
avail. For example, AM asked itself about numbers which could ⊗4uniquely⊗*
represented as the sum of two primes. As another example, AM defined the
concept of Square-roots-of-primes, which of course was not a winner.

The unique factorization of any number into primes was perceived quite
naturally, but many seemingly elementary concepts were left undiscovered.
AM never defined gcd (the greatest common divisors) onits own; it was,
however, possible to guide it to discovering that concept.

The task-by-task trace in the next section closes with the restriction of
addition to primes; i.e., p+q=r for primes p,q,r. This situation only occurs
when p (say) is 2, and q,r form a prime pair.
That trace will of course delve into concepts not mentioned above, and
conversely AM happended to miss, onthat run, some of those mentioned in this
Finally, both sections omit mention of several interesting acitivites
AM performed: maximally-divisibles and all the  geometric concepts, for example.
The line must be drawn somewhere. The frustrated reader should
try AM himself, and watch its progress.

.ASSEC(A `Nice' Task-by-task Trace)



.AT "CX" ⊂ " because many examples have  recently been found, but not yet checked" ⊃

.AT "FD" ⊂ "Focus of Attention" ⊃

.AT "TX" ⊂ " is related to the very interesting concept TIMES" ⊃;

.AT "FX" ⊂ " because none exist yet" ⊃

Now  that we've discussed  this development  at a fairly  high level,
let's list what AM  did task by task. The  lines below give a  highly
compressed "trace"  of AM's  sequence of behavior.  The tasks  in the
"best run"$$  Actually, a couple "very good" runs have been appended,
but NOT  spliced together  to the  benefit of AM.   $  are listed  in
order,  and numbered.    For each,  I have  condensed  AM's printout,
usually retaining some of the reasons AM had for atempting the  task,
the methods  AM used, the  final outcome, and  occasionally a  bit of
commentary  (in italics).  The  task numbers below  correspond to the
numbering used in Section {[2]RESULT}.{[3]SHORTASK}, starting on page



:: Fill in  examples of Compose: because Compose  is highly-rated and
no  examples of Compose are known  yet.  Several heuristics relevant,
but none succeeded.   One of them, heuristic rule  number {[3]RUNOP},
failed because no operations  could be found which had examples. Also
important at this  moment was heuristic  rule number {[3]HAVEX};  see
Appendix {[2]ALLHEU}.

:: Fill in examples of Set-union:  because Set-union is highly-rated,
and no examples  of Set-union are known yet, and if some examples had
been known earlier then AM would  have been able to Fill in  examples
of Compose.  Several heuristics relevant, but again none succeeded.

:: Fill  in examples of  Sets: because  Sets is highly-rated,  and no
examples  of Sets are known yet, and  if some examples had been known
earlier then AM would have been able to Fill in example of Set-union,
and AM was recently working on Domain(Set-union), and AM was recently
working on Range(Set-union).   Several heuristic rules are  relevant.
After  rule {[3]INDEF}  succeeded,  so  could many  other  techniques
(e.g., rule  {[3]INVDEF}).  In fact,  it was so easy  for AM to crank
out one  example  of  a  set after  another,  that  rule  {[3]SPEASY}

:: Fill in specializations of Sets:  because it was very easy to find
examples  of Sets, and no specializations of  Sets exist yet, and FD.
Many ways of  creating new concepts,  new specialized forms of  Sets,
were relevant. AM created INT-Sets, defined as "λ (S) S is a set, and
all pairs of members  of S satisfy  the rare predicate  P".  AM  also
created BI-Sets, defined as  " λ (S) S=α{α}, or else  both CAR(S) and
CDR(S)  are  BI-Sets."  ⊗4The  former  specialization  will  lead  to
Singletons, the  latter deals  with  nests of  braces (sets  with  no
atomic elements).⊗*$$  Recall that  ⊗4italics⊗* signify  the author's
comments,  and contain information which AM  -- and probably the user
as well -- could not have known at the time. $

::  Fill  in  examples  of  INT-Sets:  because  any  such  item  will
automatically be  an interesting example  of a Set,  and INT-Sets was
just created, and no examples  of it are known  yet.  Very slowly,  6
examples were  found via  inference, and  then 7  more were  produced
quickly via  more brutish methods. After eliminating duplicates, only
3 remain: α{α}, α{Aα}, and α{Bα}.  In each case, the predicate P  was
"Equal", and the worth of the concept Equal was raised slightly.

:: Check  all examples of  INT-Sets: because many  unchecked examples
are  present there, and  FD.   All three examples  were confirmed. No
surprises were encountered. One  of the three INT-Sets turned  out to
be an  Empty-structure, but no conjecture was  actually formulated at
this time.


:: Check all examples of Sets:  because many were recently found  and
never checked, and the  previous task dealt with a  specialization of
the Sets  concept.  One small  modification had to be  made to one of
the sets (namely, α{b,a,bα}→α{a,bα}).   Based on empirical  evidence,
AM  hypothesizes that  Sets may  really be  no more  specialized than
Unordered-strucs.  AM will reserve judgment until  after it has tried
to find  examples of  Bags.  (See heuristic  rule {[3]RESERVE},  page
{[3]RESERVEP}.)  Similarly,  AM considers  the  possibility that  all
Non-multiple-elements-strucs are really Sets as well. Before  relying
on this flimsy conjecture, AM must first  look for examples of Osets,
and see if ⊗4they⊗* are really also Sets.

:: Fill  in examples of Bags: because no  examples of Bags exist yet,
and to help settle the question about all unordered  structures being
sets. 10 examples found. None are sets.

:: Fill in specializations of Bags:  because it was very easy to find
examples of Bags, and no specializations of Bags are known about yet,
and FD.  Many ways of creating new concepts, new specialized forms of
Bags, were  relevant. AM created INT-Bags,  defined as "λ (S)  S is a
Bag, and all pairs of members of S satisfy the rare predicate P".  AM
also created BI-Bags,  defined as " λ  (S) S=(), or else  both CAR(S)
and CDR(S) are BI-Bags."

::  Fill in examples  of Osets: because  none exist yet,  and to help
settle the question about all nonmult-strucs being sets.  13 distinct
examples found. None are sets.

:: Check examples of Osets:  because many unchecked examples of Osets
exist  on Osets.Exs, and FD.   All confirmed.  The prioirty rating of
this task  is not  high enough  to inspire  the creation  of any  new
concepts. One weak conjecture made: all ordered structures are Osets.
Will settle this by:

:: Fill in  examples of Lists:  because none exist  yet, and to  help
settle the  question about  all ord-strucs  being osets. 29  examples
found. None are osets.

:: Check examples  of Lists: because many unchecked examples of Lists
exist, and FD.  All confirmed. Nothing special noted or motivated.

:: Fill in examples of All-but-first: because no such  examples exist
yet, and  AM was  just working on  Domain(All-but-first), and  AM was
recently  working on Domain(All-but-first).   ⊗4The similarity of the
last two reasons escaped  AM, and points up  one of its flaws.  AM is
swayed by the presence of a slightly-different reason just as much as
by a very-different supporting reason. There is no processing done on
the  reasons.⊗* Choosing  this  task represents  a  radical shift  of
attention for AM. 32 examples found, mostly by applying All-but-first
to the examples of Lists and Osets already known.

:: Fill in examples of  All-but-last: because none exist yet, and  AM
was    recently   working    on   Domain(All-but-last).       Another
poorly-motivated   task.  ⊗4Luckily  for  AM,  the  user  erroneously
believes that this task is also chosen to be  symmetric with the last
task.⊗* 45 examples found.


:: Fill  in specializations of All-but-last: because  it's so easy to
find examples of it, and no  specializations exist yet, and FD.   The
syntactic methods AM can bring to bear are  not enough to produce any
meaningful  new concepts, and this  task Fails.  ⊗4Failure  of a task
causes `FD' to go away for one cycle.⊗*

:: Fill in  examples of List-union: because  none exist yet.  Another
wild shift of attention. 3  examples derived by symbolic manipulation
of  the definition facet of this concept,  then 22 more derived using
less  inferential   techniques  (some   were   garnered  by   running
List-union.Alg itself on the early examples!).

:: Fill in examples of Proj1: FX. 26 found.

:: Check examples of  All-but-first: because many were recently found
but not yet confirmed.  All check out. This task has no repercussions
(new concepts, tasks, etc.).

:: Check  examples of All-but-last:  because many  unchecked examples
exist on the  Examples facet of All-but-last.  All confirmed, with no
repercussions.  ⊗4If  the initial Worth  values of All-but-first  and
All-but-last are  set high enough, AM  defines a new concept  at this
point,  a new  kind of  ordered structure:  λ (S)  All-but-first(S) =
All-but-last(S). In fact, the only kind of Osets  included herein are
those which  are singletons or  empty. Among lists,  it also includes
those which  contain  just  one  kind of  element.⊗*

:: Fill in examples of  Proj2: because none exist yet. 26  found.  AM
will  typically quit looking for  examples if (i)  the time allocated
runs out,  or  (ii) the  space  allocated is  used  up, or  (iii)  26
examples are found, or (iv) 151 attempts to find examples fail. ⊗4The
cosmic  significance  of 151  has  rarely been  recognized  in print.
Perhaps 151 is more comic than cosmic.  Seriously, these numbers must
be changed by almost an order of magnitude before any gross change in
AM's behavior is noticed.⊗*

:: Fill in examples  of Empty-structures: FX, and  the Worth of  this
concept  was increased  recently (during  task  {RAISENIL}). Just  by
looking  at the  examples of Structures  (i.e., using  heuristic rule
number {[3]LOOKGEX}), AM is  able to get  four empty ones: α{α},  [],
<>, ();  i.e., the empty set,  oset, list, and bag.  Although some of
these  are rederived in other ways, there  are no other examples ever
found. This paucity triggers a rule which suggests this task:

:: Fill in generalizations  of Empty-structures: because it  was very
hard -- but  not impossible -- to find examples  of that concept, and
FD.  AM examines the  definitions of Empty-structure, but can't  find
any  recognizable syntactic  pattern  it knows  about.  It does  find
⊗3(NOT (SOME-MEMBER S))⊗*,  and tries to replace ⊗3SOME-MEMBER⊗* by a
specialization of same, but  none is known to  exist.  ⊗4If the  user
initially   tells   AM   that  First-member   and   Last-member   are
specializations   of   Some-member,   then   AM   ↓_can_↓  generalize
Empty-structures. In fact, it  then comes up with what  is equivalent
to `Empty-struc ∪ Unord-struc'.   In the current setup, however, this
task   fails.       If   AM   had    a   better   understanding    of
constructive/destructive   operations,   it   might    have   defined
Structures-with-empty-CARs,   or  perhaps  Structures-with-empty-CDRs
(i.e., Singletons again).⊗*

:: Check examples of List-union: because many were recently added but
not yet confirmed. This shows  the mechanical patience that a `stack'
gives  you.   Since no  higher-priority task  has been  suggested, AM
attends to a task which has been on there for a while.

::  Check examples  of  Bags:  because  many examples  and  a  couple
specializations  exist. A  few  small modifications  had  to be  made
(e.g., (A C B A) α→ (A A B C)).

:: Fill in examples of Bag-union: because none exist yet, and AM  was
just  working  on  Domain(Bag-union), and  AM  was  just  working  on
Range(Bag-union).    Note  the  influence  of  heuristic  rule  numer
{[3]FROB1}. This  task  proceeded smoothly,  with 26  examples  being

:: Check examples  of Proj2: because several were  recently found and
not yet checked. All confirmed, with no new suggestions generated.

::  Fill in examples of Set-union: because  none exist yet.  Again we
see rule {[3]FROB1} in action. 26 examples found.

:: Check  examples  of  Set-union: CX,  and  FD  (AM just  worked  on
Set-union).  A few patches had to be made.  Often, Set-union(x,y) was
equal to one of its arguments.  AM therefore defined a new  predicate
Eq-union(x,y)  which is  True iff  Set-union(x,y)=x.  The user  later
renamed  this  "Superset-of",  since  this  is  the  relationship  of
containment. ⊗4In typical  math texts,  containment is introduced  long
before union,  and then this  is a theorem:  "A⊃B iff A∪B=A".  But AM
used "∪" to form the ↓_definition_↓ of "⊃".⊗*

:: Fill in examples of Bag-insert: because none exist yet, and AM was
recently working on  Domain(Bag-insert), and AM was  recently working
on Range(Bag-insert).  ⊗4A  saddeningly stupid move for AM. It should
have rated Superset higher, and continued working on it.⊗* AM has  no
trouble finding many examples of insertions into bags.

::  Check  examples  of  Bag-insert:  CX,  and   AM  just  worked  on
Bag-insert.  All  examples  were confirmed.    This  operation always
seemed to result  in Nonempty bags.   The  Domain/range facet was  so
amended.  The value is never either of its arguments, but there is no
concrete  action AM must take in such  a situation, no compact way of
noting  that  anti-relationship  (short  of  creating   a  full-blown
conjecture).   Restricted to singletons, Bag-insert  never produces a
singleton or an empty bag.  AM defines the concept of a bag gotten by
doing a Bag-insert  on a singleton;  i.e., the notion of  a doubleton

:: Fill in examples of Bag-intersect: FX, and AM was recently working
on  Domain(Bag-intersect),   and   AM   was   recently   working   on
Range(Bag-intersect).  26 found without trouble.

:: Fill  in examples of  Set-insert: FX. Just  another data-gathering
task, building up AM's store of empirical results.

::  Check   examples  of  Set-insert:  CX,  and  AM  just  worked  on
Set-insert.  Applying  this  operation  always  seems  to  result  in
Nonempty sets.  Domain/range so amended.  The value is sometimes just
one of its  arguments.   AM defines  what will  eventually be  called
Set-membership in  this way: λ  (x,S) Set-insert(x,S)=S. This  is not
the only  important result here.  AM  notices that Set-insert(x,S) is
always    related    to    S    by    Superset-of.        That    is,
Superset-of(Set-insert(x,S), S)  [for any  x]. So conjectured.   This
doesn't  actually  suggest  anything marvelous  for  AM  to  do next,
however.  Incidentally, during this task AM also  defines the concept
of doubleton set.

:: Fill in examples of  Bag-delete: FX. ⊗4Note that `working on bags'
is so long  past that  it is  no longer given  as a  reason for  this
task.⊗* Able  to generate  two examples  by manipulating  definitions
supplied  with Bag-delete, then  a couple dozen  more were generated.
Some were  generated by  accessing already-known examples  of the  domain  (i.e.,
the entries on the Examples facet of the 
Bags concept) and then running Bag-delete.Alg on them.

:: Fill  in examples of  Bag-difference: FX. 26  found.  ⊗4This  is a
good vantage  point to look back and ahead, and notice that while the
surrounding tasks are all reasonable data-gathering forays, the order
in which  they're performed is unimportant. Later  on, AM will follow
threads of discoveries, and the order of tasks then will appear  very

:: Check examples of  Bag-intersect: CX. So many examples  were found
that  AM  will  entertain the  idea  of  creating  a specialized  new
concept.   Since the  intersection of  two  randomly-chosen bags  was
often  empty,  AM defined  the  concept  of  disjoint bags:  λ  (x,y)

:: Fill in examples of Set-intersect: FX. Many found very easily.

:: Check  examples of Set-intersect: CX,
and FD.
3 small modifications had to
be made.  This time, AM noticed that the intersection of two sets was
often  empty, and defined  the Disjoint-sets  concept. AM  also noted
that x∩y was often  one of those very  same arguments, so it  defined
the   relation  which   is  eventually   renamed   Subset:  λ   (x,y)
Set-intersect(x,y)=x.   At the  moment, AM didn't  realize that there
was any connection between Subset  and Superset. This tie came  much,
much later (Task number {[3]SUBTIE} (qv.) in this run).

::  Fill in  examples  of  List-intersect: FX,  and  the interest  of
Intersect (the general concept of which this is a specialization) has
recently been increased a few times. 26 found without incident.


⊗6AM is bored⊗1$$ Of  course "bored" is just  what AM types out.   It
reflects the low value of  the top task on the agenda, and the meager
results obtained recently. Please forgive the anthropomorphism; it is
meant only  to be "cute",  not misleading. AM  has no  internal model
which could  be called its "emotional state",  as, e.g., PARRY [Colby 73]
claims.  $⊗6! Will look at Suggest-type heuristics for new  things to


⊗4If "Equality" is excised at this moment, AM continues the preceding
line  of inquiry  for a while,  and then  defines Singleton-osets, as
Osets all of whose members  are equal to each other. AM  notices that
All-but-first and All-but-last, restricted to Singleton-osets, always
yield the same result, namely  the empty oset. AM then  "generalizes"
this  into   the  concept   which  is   all  the   osets  for   which
All-but-first(x)=All-but-last(x).    AM then  turns  to relationships
involving Subset and Superset,  followed by a flurry of  compositions
and  coalescings,  and  their  investigation.   But  Equality  ↓_is_↓
present, so AM goes off on another course of exploration.⊗*


:: Fill  in examples of Equal: because Equal has recently become more
interesting, and there are no examples known yet.   Equal became more
interesting  gradually, as INT-Sets  were define and  liked, Eq-union
defined and liked, etc. Once chosen, this task does not go  smoothly.
By inference methods,  only a couple  examples were derived.   Later,
when  heuristic rule  number {[3]RUNOP}  was  run, 151  failures were
encountered and only  2 successes. This  is so  small a success  rate
that a  heuristic rule  strenuously proposed this  next task,  with a
high enough rating to be chosen right away:

::  Fill in  generalizations  of Equal:  because Equal  is apparently
quite rarely satisfied, and  there are no entries yet  on Equal.Genl.
Removing one  of the two  conjoined recursive calls  in the recursive
definition given for Equal  caused the creation of  Equal-except-CARs
and Equal-except-CDRs.  ⊗4The  first predicate tests whether x  and y
have  the same number of  elements; the second tests  whether x and y
have the same number of leading  left parens and the same first  atom
after that  final leading  left parenthesis.   As Knuth  pointed out,
both  of these  concepts are  valid ways  of defining  "numbers": one
counts the number of elements, the other counts the number of leading
left parentheses.  But most structures which AM  knows about are just
simple  1-level  affairs.  Therefore,  Equal-except-CDRs  was  almost
always  the same  as  "CAR(x)=CAR(y)".   So  AM never  realized  this
duality.  If it  had  pushed BI-Sets  and BI-Bags  further,  it might
have.⊗* Another concept created here is far more bizarre.  Instead of
eliminating one of the two conjoined recursive calls, AM replaced the
AND with an OR. The new concept Genl-Eq3 was defined: `λ(x,y) if x or
y are non-lists,  then EQ(x,y), else [Genl-Eq3(CAR(x),CAR(y))  ↓_OR_↓
Genl-Eq3(CDR(x),CDR(y)].'  This is  true  if x  and y  have  the same
length, or if the j↑t↑h element of  each is the same (for any j),  or
if the  j↑th element  of each  has the  same length (>0),  or if  the
i⊗Ath⊗* element of the j⊗Ath⊗* element of each is the same or has the
same length (for any i,j), or...

:: Fill  in examples  of  Equal-except-CARs: because  this is  a  new
generalization  of  Equal which  must  be  examined, and  because  no
examples  exist yet.   Only  10 examples  were found before  the time
quantum was exhausted, but this  was still many more than  were found
for  Equal before.   The user  now renamed this  concept "Same-size".
⊗4A  whirlwind  of  discovery  is  about  to  sweep  the  other   two
generalizations of Equal out of the top spot on AM's agenda for quite
a while. If AM accidentally picked another of these to work on before
Same-size, only a small amount  of time would have been spent  before
moving    on.    For   example,    AM    is    unable   to    perform
Canonize.Algs(Genl-Eq3,Equal),  so  that  would be  a  dead-end right

:: Apply an Algorithm for  Canonize to the args Same-size  and Equal:
because a heuristic rule$$
The rule referred to is number {[3]DOCAN}, on page {[3]DOCANP}.
$ explicitly suggested that, and there are no
known examples of Canonize yet, and AM was just working on Same-size,
and AM  was recently  working on  Equal, and  Same-size was  recently
created,  and Same-size was  just renamed by  the user.   AM performs
several  experiments,  and  eventually  synthesizes  this  canonizing
function:  f(S) takes  a  structure  S, converts  it  to  a Bag,  and
replaces each  element by "T".  This function is later renamed "Size"
by the user.  AM  also defines the set of canonical  structures: bags
of T's.  The user renames Bags-of-T's as "Numbers".

:: Restrict the Domain/range facet  of Bag-union: because Bags-of-T's
(called  Numbers now) is  a new, interesting  specialization of Bags,
and a  heuristic rule  explicitly suggested  this, and  FD, and  many
examples  of   Bag-union  exist.     A  new  operation   is  defined,
Number-union,  with domain/range  entry <Number Number  α→ Bag>. This
task used less than one cpu second.

::   Fill    in   examples   of    Number-union:   because   it    is
recently-interesting, and  it was just  created, and AM  was recently
working on Domain(Number-union).  Several  examples are found.   ⊗4At
this point,  the author turned  on a  tricky LISP printing  function,
which  converted  each bag  of  T's to  base-10  exponential notation
before allowing it to be typed out.⊗*

:: Check the domain/range  of Number-union: because a heuristic  rule
explicitly suggested that the range  might really be "Number", and AM
was  just working  on Number-union,  and AM  was recently  working on
Domain(Number-union) [i.e., working on `Numbers'].  In fact, what the
heuristic  rule suggested  purely  from symmetry  desires  turned out
empirically to be true: the value of Number-union(x,y) ⊗4did⊗* always
appear to be a Number  (a bag of all T's). The result of  this was to
amend  the Domain/range facet  of Number-union.   Although AM regards
this uniformity as very interesting, it has no direct  suggestion for
what to  do next.  The  user renames this operation  "Add2", since it
takes precisely 2 arguments (unary numbers) and adds them.

::  Restrict  the domain/range  of  Bag-intersect: to  Numbers, ⊗4for
similar  reasons  as  above⊗*.     After  again  noticing   that  the
intersection of 2 numbers always  seems to be a number, this leads to
the operation which the user  renames "Minimum". ⊗4Since the  pattern
of tasks is  Restrict → Fill in  examples → Check examples,  there is
not  much point in  listing all three  tasks for all  of these simple
restrictions. Each one will only get a single number in this listing.
Also, since  the reasons for  these restrictings are pretty  much the
same, they won't be repeated for each task below.⊗*


::  Restrict the  domain/range of Bag-delete:  to Numbers.   The user
renames this operation "SUB1",  although this is not  quite accurate.
If x  is not `T', then applying  this operation to x and  N (for some
number N represented as a  bag of T's) will not  alter N at all.   AM
does not possess the reasoning abilities needed to anticipate this.

::  Restrict  the  domain/range  of  Bag-insert:  to  Numbers.    The
domain/range entry  is changed to <Anything Number  α→ Bag>.  Renamed
Number-insert.  Although  this new  operation will in  fact change  a
number N,  it may not necessarily  change it into a  number. The last
operation,  SUB1,  would always  produce  a number,  though  it might
sometimes fail to change N at all.  Here is the sad discovery of that
asymmetry about Number-insert:

:: Check the domain/range  of Number-insert: because a heuristic rule
explicitly suggested that  the range  might really be  "Number".   In
fact, its quickly  seen ⊗4not⊗* to  be. This operation is  lowered in
worth, and never touched again. Due to AM's imperfect heuristics, the
worth of SUB1 is slightly higher still than this concept's.

:: Restrict  the domain/range  of Bag-difference:  to Numbers.  After
again noticing that the difference of  2 numbers always seems to be a
number,   this  leads  to  the  operation   which  the  user  renames

:: Fill in examples of  Subtract: FX, and Subtract was  just created.
Many examples are  found.  If a larger number  is "subtracted" from a
smaller, the result is zero, according to this operation.  Thus about
half  of  these  examples  have the  value  zero  (empty  bag).    AM
explicitly  defines the set of  ordered pairs of  numbers having zero
difference.  It turns  out that (in  modern terminology) <x,y> is  in
this new set iff  x is less than or equal to y.   So the user renames
this relation "LEQ".

:: Fill in examples of LEQ: FX, and LEQ was just created. 26 examples
found. When random  numbers are  chosen, the success  rate is (as  we
wise observors  know) a little over  50%. This is very  nice and AM's
estimate of the worth of LEQ rises.

:: Check  examples of  LEQ: CX,  and the  worth of  LEQ has  recently
risen.  All confirmed. ⊗4Unfortunately, AM has derived Subset but not
Subbag,  else it might  have noticed that  (for all numbers  x and y,
represented as bags  of T's) x⊗6≤⊗4y iff  Subbag(x,y). Then AM  could
simply  observe  that LEQ  was  just  Subbag restricted  to  Numbers.
Looked at another way, AM has here discovered a restricted version of
the concept Subbag.⊗1

:: Apply algorithm of Coalesce to LEQ: because LEQ  is an interesting
operation, recently  created, many examples already exist  for it, AM
just worked on LEQ, LEQ takes two of the same argument (Numbers), and
no examples of Coalesce are known yet.   The new predicate is defined
as λ(x) x⊗6≤⊗*x. But this is Always-True, so AM conjectures that each
number is LEQ itself, and forgets the new coalesced version of LEQ.

::   Fill   in   examples   of   Parallel-join2:   FX.   Included  is
Parallel-join2(Bags,Bags,Proj2)  (initially called  MJ2-BBP2),  which
turns out to be multiplication of two numbers and is renamed "TIMES2"
by         the         user.         Also         included         is
Parallel-join2(Structures,Structures,Proj1), which  is a  generalized
kind of Union operation (renamed "G-Union" by the user).  Many losers
are          also           created,          however,           like


:: :-  ⊗6{Z7}.⊗* Fill in  and check  examples of the  operations just
createad. Nothing  out of the ordinary is done here, just the routine
legwork of  gathering  empirical data  for  later use.  No  startling
conjectures made.


::  Fill  in  examples  of  Coalesce:  FX.  One  shining  example  is
Self-compose, which  takes any  operation F  (whose range  is also  a
domain component) and  forms F-o-F.  Another example  is Self-Insert,
which takes  a structure S and inserts S into  S.  Also created were:
Self-Delete, Self-Add, Self-Times, Self-Union, etc. A different  kind
of  coalescing was  done for  Parallel-replace2, Parallel-join2,  and
Repeat2; the two structural arguments (the first and second arguments
for each)  were merged, creating  three new operations:  Coa-repeat2,
Coa-join2,  Coa-replace2. Coa-replace2, for  example, takes  a single
structure S and an operation  F, and replaces each  member x of S  by
the value F(x,S).

:: Fill  in examples  of Self-Delete:  FX, and  Self-delete was  just
created.  Many examples are found quite easily, of course, except:

:: Check examples of Self-Delete: CX. Since trying to delete S from S
will never work,  the value of  Delete(S,S) is just  S all the  time.
Self-delete is  the same  as the  identity operation.  AM is  able to
discover  this and state it  as a conjecture,  obviating the need for
bothering with this concept ever again.

:: Fill in examples of Self-Member: FX, and  Self-member was recently
created.  Only negative instances are found.

::   Check  examples  of   Self-Member:  CX.     This   predicate  is
Always-False, empirically. Replace  by a conjec:  Self-Member is  the
same  as the  predicate Always-False;  Member(S,S)=False  for any  S.
Also, an  extra algorithm entry is added  to Member.Alg: ⊗6Once Early
Quick: λ (x,y) if x=y then False.⊗* Also, a new task is  proposed, to
generalize  Self-Member.   This  never  quite  rises  to the  top  of
theagenda, so it is never attempted.

::  Fill in examples of  Self-Add: FX. Many  found. User renames this
"Doubling", after he observes the many examples which are produced.

:: Check examples  of Coalesce:  CX. All were  confirmed.  Some  were
already  proving to  be  interesting, so  the value  of  Coalesce was

::  Check  examples  of  Add2:  CX.  All  were  confirmed.   Somewhat
disappointingly, AM didn't notice anything special  about Add2 at the

::  Fill in  examples of  Self-Times: FX, and  AM recently  worked on
Isa(Self-Times) [namely, worked on Coalesce].  Renamed  "Squaring" by
the user.   20 examples found before quitting due  to lack of alotted

::  Fill in examples  of Self-Compose: FX.   Created Add2-o-Add2 (two
versions: Add21  which  is  λ (x,y,z)  (x+y)+z,  and Add22  which  is
x+(y+z)).  Similarly, two versions of TIMES2-o-TIMES2, called TIMES21
and TIMES22.   Also, two versions  of Compose-o-Compose. Some  losers
were    defined    as   well,    like    Member(Member(x,y),z)    and
Parallel-join2(S,R,Parallel-join2(P,Q,F))  --  the  latter  of  which
accepts as arguments  four kinds of structures  and a function  name.
Many minimally-acceptable concepts were created: Coalesce-o-Coalesce,
Squaring-o-Squaring, Doubling-o-Doubling, etc.

::  Fill in examples of Add21: FX, and  Add21 was just created.  This
operation is  defined  as  λ (x,y,z)  (x+y)+z.  It  is easy  to  find

:: Fill  in examples  of Add22: FX,  and Add22 was  recently created.
This operation is defined  as λ (x,y,z) x+(y+z).  It is easy to  find
examples.   Most  of  these examples  are  gotten from  the  "cousin"
concept Add21.

::  Check  examples   of  Squaring:  CX.  All  confirmed.    ⊗4It  is
unfortunate that this task intruded into AM's line of development.⊗*

:: Check examples of Add22: CX.  During this process, AM notices that
Add21  and Add22  seem to  be equivalent.  Before conjecturing  this,
though, AM will do this next task:

::  Check  examples  of  Add21: CX,  and  this  task  was specifcally
suggested while  AM was  trying to check  examples of  Add21.   After
checking these examples, Add21 and Add22 still appear equivalent.  AM
conjectures this and  merges the two  operations. One consequence  is
the boosting of the  worth of the new, combined operation.   The most
important aftereffect of  this is that AM now knows that the "proper"
argument for a  generalized kind  of addition  will be a  Bag, not  a
List,  of numbers.   This  new  kind of  addition is  called Add,  to
distinguish  it from  Add2.  Add2  takes a  pair of  numbers and adds
them, but Add accepts a ⊗4bag⊗* of numbers and forms their sum.

:: Apply  algorithm  for Invert  to argument  `Add':  because Add  is
interesting,  recently worked on,  and has  never been  inverted, and
there are  no examples  yet for  Invert,  and the  worth of  Add  has
recently risen,  and  Add was  just created.  ⊗4By  looking at  those
reasons,  we see  why some semantic  processing should  be available.
There is  tremendous  overlap  there,  and the  task  is  not  really
supported by  as many reasons  as AM thinks.⊗* AM  defines Inv-add(x)
(also called Add-1-) as the set of all bags of numbers (>0) whose sum
is x.

:: Fill in examples of TIMES21: FX. Defined  as (x⊗8#⊗*y)⊗8#⊗*z. Many
are found.

:: Fill in examples  of TIMES22: FX. Defined as x⊗8#⊗*(y⊗8#⊗*z). Many
are found.

:: Check examples of TIMES22: CX.  As with Add, earlier, TIMES21  and
TIMES22 now appear equivalent.   Before saying this, AM  must do this

::  Check examples  of TIMES21:  CX, and  this task  was specifically
suggested while AM was  trying to check  examples of TIMES22.   After
checking these examples, TIMES21 and TIMES22 still appear equivalent.
AM conjectures this and merges the two operations. One consequence is
the boosting of the worth  of the new, combined operation.   The most
important aftereffect of this is  that AM now knows that the "proper"
argument for a generalized kind of product will be a Bag, not a List,
of numbers.   This  new kind  of multiplication  is called TIMES,  to
distinguish it  from TIMES2.  Notice the  same property held true for
Add2, earlier.  AM sets up an analogy between TIMES and  ADD, because
of  this  common  fact.    ⊗4The analogy  itself  is  close  to  what
mathematicians call the concept of Semigroups.⊗*

::  Apply algorithm  for  Invert to  argument `TIMES':  because TIMES
contains a new, promising analogy,  and the analog of TIMES  has been
inverted, and TIMES  has never been inverted, and  the worth of TIMES
has  recently  risen,  and  TIMES   was  just  created.  AM   defines
Inv-TIMES(x) (also called TIMES-1-) as the set of all bags of numbers
(>1) whose  product is x.  AM noted  that TIMES-1- should probably be
analogic to Add-1-.

:: Fill in examples of  Parallel-replace2: FX. ⊗4I could kick AM  for
doing this now!!  The priority rating of this task  happened to place
it above  all the others, including those with extra bonusses because
of focus of attention. This task is merely diverting,  not harmful in
any  lasting  sense,  but  it  does  degrade the  apparent  level  of
purposefulenss of the system.⊗* Several examples of Parallel-replace2
are found.   Included are  Parallel-replace2(Bags,Bags,Proj2) (called
MR2-BBP2), and many losers.  MR2-BBP2(S1,S2) replaces each element in
S1 by a full copy of the  whole of S2.  ⊗4This is the way  that Skemp
suggests developing  the notion of  multiplication -- and in  fact AM
will  (in task {[3]DMULTT}) derives an  operation which is equivalent
to TIMES2 just  by unioning  the results of  this operation. In  task
{[3]DMULT2} AM realizes that this is in fact just multiplication, and
merges those two operations, concurrently boosting the worth of  that
combined concept greatly.⊗*


:: :-  ⊗6{Z7}.⊗* Fill in  and check examples  of the  operations just
created. ⊗4Nothing really worth our time (or AM's). Sigh.⊗*


:: Fill  in examples of Compose:  FX.  It is very  easy to create new
compositions -- most of them  losers.  Some of the concepts  produced
(e.g., Size-o-Add-1-)  were valuable but  were lost amid the  mass of
losers   (e.g.,   Insert-o-Equal).     Because   of  this   flood  of
poorly-motivated new  concepts,  a heuristic  triggers  which has  AM
create  a  new  specialization  of  Compose, called  Int-Compose,  by
conjoining  onto   Compose.Defn   a   few  of   the   features   from
Compose.Interest.   The Worths of  the new compositions  just created
are  all lowered, so that  the (future) examples  of Int-Compose will
predominate.   ⊗4The task  first  considered in  TASK 1  has  finally
bubbled back up to the top of  the agenda, and has proved to be quite


::  Fill in  examples of  Int-Compose: FX,  and Int-Compose  was just
created,  and  any   example  of  Int-Compose  is   automatically  an
interesting example of Compose,  and the worth of Int-Compose is very
high.     The  two   chosen  operations   G,H  must   be  such   that
ran(H)⊗6ε⊗*dom(G),  and  ran(G)⊗6ε⊗*dom(H);  both G  and  H  must  be
interesting or at least newly-created.  Well, two operations recently
dealt with are G-Union and MR2-BBP2.  Since the range of  MR2-BBP2 is
`Bags  of Bags',  it  is ⊗4precisely⊗*  equal to  the  domain of  the
newly-synthesized  operation G-Union.   So one composition considered
is  G-Union-o-MR2-BBP2.  This  is  an  alternate  derivation  of  the
operation  of multiplication.   Also included  are: TIMES-o-Squaring,
Coalesce-o-Compose, Insert-o-Delete, Delete-o-Insert,  Add2-o-Times2,
etc.  Although most of these operations  were never investigated very
much,  they are  much better  than  the random  compositions produced
during the previous task.  This  seems clear even to AM, even  before
studying them very much.



:: :- ⊗6{Z7}.⊗*  Fill in and check examples of  the compositions just
createad.  Nothing of great interest until...:


::  Check examples  of G-Union-o-MR2-BBP2:  ⊗1CX.  AM  discovers that
this operation is equivalent  to MJ2-BBP2 (i.e., TIMES2).  Since they
arose in  very different ways, the  worth of the  new, merged concept
module is greatly increased, as is that of the more general operation


:: Fill  in examples of  Coa-repeat2: FX. 26  operations synthesized.
Foremost  among  them  was  Coa-repeat2(Bags-of-Numbers,Add2),  which
turned out  to be  yet another  derivation of  multiplication!   Also
produced  was Coa-repeat2(Bags-of-Numbers,Times)  -- a  definition of
exponentiaion.  Others included  Coa-repeat2(Structures,Proj1), which
turns  out  to be  the  same  as  First-element-of,  i.e.,  CAR,  and
Coa-repeat2(Structures,Proj2), which turns out to be Last-element-of.

:: Check the examples of Coa-repeat2: CX, and FD.  All confimed.

::   Apply  algorithms   for  Invert   to  `Doubling':   Doubling  is
interesting, and it  has never  been inverted. The  result is  called
"Halving" by the user.   AM decided to isolate the  domain of Halving
(the  range of Doubling).   Such numbers  are renamed by  the user as
"Evens".  ⊗4Although  pleased with the  result of  this task, it  was
somewhat jarring in the context of the preceding development.⊗*

:: Fill in examples of Self-Insert:  FX. ⊗4AM has apparently lost the
"thread"  of a  development and is  wandering around,  taking care of
only moderately  promising tasks.⊗* Many  examples of this  operation
are found.


:: Check examples of  Self-Insert: CX, and FD. Nothing special found.
The result is never the same as the argument.

:: Fill in examples of Coa-repeat2-Add2: FX. Many found quickly, but at a
large cost in terms of storage space.

:: Check examples of Coa-repeat2-Add2: CX, and FD. Confirmed. AM noticed it's
the same as  TIMES. Boost the worth  of TIMES even higher,  far above
that of any other concept.  ⊗4AM will stay interested in TIMES for most
of the future of this run.⊗*

:: Apply  algorithm for Invert  to argument  `Squaring': Squaring  is
interesting,  has never  been inverted,  TX, is  related to  the very
interesting  concept  Coalesce, is  analogic to  the already-inverted
concept Doubling.  AM defines Inv-square(x) as the number$$ Actually:
the  set of all  numbers...$ whose  square is x.  Renamed by  user as

:: Fill  in examples  of Square-root:  FX, and  Square-root was  just
created, and Square-root TX. AM spent quite a while on this task, and
only about 10 examples were found (discounting duplicates).

::  Fill in new algorithms  for Square-root: because Square-root.Algs
are all too slow, and have been called on a great deal recently. ⊗4AM
has some zero↑t↑h order rules  for improving algorithms, backed up by
a marvelous tactic: ask the user.  In this case, AM asks the user for
a  better algorithm,  and  he  supplies  one.   Of  course,  the  new
algorithm is completely opaque to  AM. The user never tells AM how to
do something unless it had a  (slow) way to do that thing  already.⊗*
One fast new algorithm now exists.

:: Check examples of Square-root:  CX, and FD.  AM is  plagued by the
frequency  of numbers not  having square-roots, so  it isolates those
that do. It defined the set of numbers having a square-root, and this
concept was renamed "Perfect-squares" by the user.

:: Fill  in examples of  Coa-repeat2-Times: FX, and this  concept TX.
⊗4A  moderately rational thing to  investigate.⊗* Examples are easily
found, but they take up a lot of space.

:: Check examples of  Coa-repeat2-Times: CX, and FD.  Nothing special
noticed,  unfortunately (this  is exponentiation,  folks).   ⊗4If the
user interrupts and tells AM that this is really interesting, AM soon
creates the specialization of  it defined as Expon(x,2), and  then AM
notices that  this is just squaring.  I.e., x↑2=x⊗*⊗8#⊗*⊗4x: the base
tie between exponentiation and multiplication. On its own, AM doesn't
rate   Coa-repeat2-Times  high   enough  to   start  this   chain  of

:: Fill in examples of Inv-TIMES: FX, and Inv-TIMES TX.  Many found.

::  Fill in new algorithms for  Inv-TIMES: because Inv-TIMES.Algs are
all too  slow, and have  been called  on a  great deal recently,  and
TIMES-1-  TX, and  FD.   AM  asks  the user,  who  supplies a  decent
recursive algorithm for this function.

:: Check examples of Inv-TIMES: CX, and FD. This proceeds along,  and
all are confirmed.  A heuristic rule notices that the domain/range is
<Number → Sets-of-Bags-of-Numbers>; it searchs for an operation whose
Domain/range   facet    contains   an    entry   (compatible    with)
<Sets-of-Bags-of-Numbers → Number>,  and fails; next it  looks for an
operation  whose dom/range is <Sets-of-Bags →  Set or Bag>, and finds
that G-Union  fills  the  bill.   Therefore,  the rule  suggests  the
following task (with a high rating):

::  Apply Compose  algorithm to  G-Union and  Inv-TIMES:  because the
three concepts involved are interesting,  related to TIMES, and  this
task  was  specifically   suggested  by  the  preceding  one.     The
composition is created, as specified in the task.  This new operation
has domain/range  <Number  → Set-of-Numbers>,  and  is thus  given  a
higher  rating  than  either  of  its  constituents.  It  is  renamed
"Divisors" by the user.

::  Fill in examples of  Divisors: FX, and  Divisors TX, and divisors
was just  created.   Many examples  are  found, but  only after  much
inefficient  searching  amid  the  set  of all  (known  examples  of)

:: Fill in new algorithms for Divisors: because Divisors.Algs are all
too slow, and have been called on a great  deal recently. AM asks the
user, who supplies a decent iterative algorithm for this function.

:: Fill  in examples of Perfect-squares:  FX, and Perfect-squares TX.
15 found, after which the space allocation was exhausted.

::  Fill  in   specializations  of  TIMES:  because  TIMES   is  very
interesting, has very few known specializations, and it was very easy
to find examples of TIMES.  AM now allocates a huge chunk of cpu time
and space to this task.  A few specializations of TIMES are gotten by
plugging    in    a   distinguished    value   for    one   argument:
Times1(x)⊗6≡⊗*1⊗8#⊗*x,  Times0(x)⊗6≡⊗*0⊗8#⊗*x,   etc.     Other   new
operations are  simply TIMES with its  domain restricted to  a bag of
special numbers: Times-sq has  its domain a  bag of perfect  squares,
Times-ev takes  only  even arguments,  etc.   Others (inefficient  to
compute) are TIMES with its range restricted: Times-to-evens requires
that the result be even, Times-to-sq for square results, etc.

::  Check  examples  of  Divisors:  CX,  and  Divisors  TX.    Often,
Divisors(x) is interesting (to AM) as a set; AM isolates the cases by
defining  0-Div, 1-Div, 2-Div,  and 3-Div, the sets  of numbers whose
Divisors value  is the  empty set, a  singleton, a  doubleton, and  a
tripleton, respectively. AM  will gradually partition the examples of
Divisors into these categories,  as AM tries to  fill in examples  of
each kind of number.


⊗4This is the point  where the example in Chapter  {[2]EXAM1} begins,
and  is also  roughly the  point where  the unadulterated  LISP trace
(Appendix {[2]TRACES}.{[3]UNADULT}) ends.  Both this section  and the
earlier condensed  task-by-task trace, found in  Chapter {[3]RESULT},
go further.⊗*

:: Fill in examples of 1-Div: FX, and 1-Div was just created, and TX.
Only one example found:  "1".  This causes  the Worth of 1-Div  to be

:: Fill in examples of 0-Div: FX, and 0-Div was recently created, and
TX.  None found. Lower the worth of this concept.

:: Fill in examples of 2-Div: FX, and this concept TX.  About 19  are
found (out  of about  170 attempts).  This is  a nice  ratio, a  nice
density within the natural  numbers -- not too many nor too few to be
interesting.  As a result, 2-Div.Worth is slightly raised.

:: Check  examples of  2-Div: CX,  and the  worth of  2-div has  just
increased,  and FD.   The  existing examples  were confirmed,  but no
pattern noticed. ⊗4This was heart-stopping, since 2-Div is the notion
of   prime    numbers;   here    AM    is   tossing    it   off    as

:: Fill in examples of 3-Div: FX, and 3-Div TX. As with 2-Div, a nice
number of examples were found (albeit on the scarce side of nice).

:: Check  examples  of  3-Div:  CX,  and 3-Div  TX.,  and  FD.    All
confirmed. All are perfect squares!  Very  unexpected (both by AM and
the user). AM  greatly increased the worth of 3-Div.  One suggestion,
due to the fact that 3-Div was now In-dom-of Square-root, was:

:: Restrict Square-root to numbers which are in 3-Div: Square-root is
interesting,  3-Div  is  very  interesting, and  the  preceding  task
specifically requested this action.  AM calls the new concept Root3.

::  Fill in examples  of Root3: FX,  and Root3 was  just created, and
Root3  is related  to  the  very  interesting concept  3-Div.    Many
examples found. In fact, it  was easy to take the square-root of each
known example of 3-Div.

:: Check examples of  Root3: CX.  All  confirmed. Each result  turned
out to be a  2-Div type of number. Very surprising.   Conjecture: the
square-root of a  number with 3 divisors is a number with 2 divisors.
AM raised the worths  of all the concepts  involved.  At this  point,
the user renamed 2-Divs as "Primes".

:: Restrict  Squaring to Primes:  Squaring is interesting,  Primes is
recently  interesting, and the  preceding task specifically suggested
this action.  AM calls the result Square2.

:: Fill in  examples of  Square2: FX, and  Square2 was just  created.
Many found.

:: Check the domain/range  facet of Square2: it has been specifically
suggested that the range of Square2  may be 3-Div, and 3-Div is  very
interesting,  and  Square2  is related  to  the  interesting  concept
Primes, and  FD.  As hoped  for, all are 3-Divs.   Conjecture: x is a
Primes iff  its square is  a 3-Div  iff it  is the  square-root of  a

:: Restrict  Squaring to  3-Divs: Squaring  is interesting,  3-Div is
interesting,  and an earlier task specifically suggested this action.
The result is called Square3.  ⊗4AM's past few  successful tasks have
now  incremented the Worths  of certain  activities above  their true
value:  AM  will  now  be  tied  up  with  restricting  Squaring  and
Square-rooting to all the  concepts involved. The net effect  will be
to lower those inflated worth ratings, and to lower the user's -- and
the reader's -- opinion of AM.⊗*


:: Restrict  Square-rooting to  Primes: Square-root  is  interesting,
Primes is interesting, and an earlier task specifically requestd this
action.  Call the result Root2.

::  Fill in examples  of Square3: FX,  and Square3 is  related to the
interesting concept 3-Div, and Square3 was recently created.   Only 9
examples  found  before running  out  of space.    By analogy,  since
Divisors-of-o-Square2 was interesting, AM considers:

:: Compose  Divisors-of  and  Square3: Analogic  to  tripletons,  and
Divisors-of  is interesting,  and  Square3  is interesting,  and  the
preceding  task specifically  suggested this  action.   AM  calls the
result Div-Sq3.

:: Fill in examples of Div-Sq3:  FX, and Div-Sq3 was just created.  9
examples found right away, by  simply running Divisors-of.Algs on the
9 known examples of Square3.

::  Check examples of Div-Sq3: CX.   All such examples are Same-size.
Although AM doesn't have the notion of `5-ness' explicitly, they each
have 5  members.  A  specialized hack heuristic  observes the general
pattern:   Divisors-o-Primes   are    all   of    the   same    size;
Divisors-o-Squaring-o-Primes   are    all   of    the   same    size;
Divisors-o-Squaring-o-Squaring-o-Primes  are all of the  same size; A
new   conjecture   is   formulated    and   typed   to   the    user:
Divisors-o-Repeat(Squaring)-o-Primes will all be the same size.


This expresses the fact that, for  a given n, p↑[⊗72n⊗*] has the same
number  of divisors for each prime p.   AM was not able to figure out
that number  of  divisors (it  is 2n+1).   This  would  be a  trivial
sequence extrapolation  problem, but AM  of course had  no heuristics
for dealing with numbers, hence no sequence extrapolation techniques.
Deriving the concept of sequence extrapolation itself would have been
quite  astounding,  but never  occurred. Discovering  the  concept of
inductive inference and studying it explicitly in isolation  is quite
a sophisticated achievement -- that's  what AI researchers spend much
of  their time trying  to accomplish.   This is one time  when AM was
much further  from  discovering a  theorem than  it  appeared to  the
casual observor.


::  :- ⊗6{Z7}.⊗*  More confirmations  and explorations  of  the above
conjecture.  Gradually, all its  ramifications lead to dead-ends  (as
far as AM is concerned).


::  Fill in  examples  of Root2:  FX,  and Root2  is  related to  the
interesting concept  Primes. But no examples at  all are found.  This
is not surprising,  since very few primes  are also perfect  squares.
AM conjectures that there are none. Worth of Root2 is lowered.

:: Check examples  of Inv-TIMES: CX. This is a  break in the previous
smooth  line of development.   Inv-TIMES appears to  always contain a
singleton bag;  in fact, Inv-TIMES(x)  always contains the  singleton
bag (x).  Another conjecture AM makes: Inv-TIMES(x) always contains a
bag of primes. This last hypothesis suggests the following two tasks:

:: Restrict  the  range  of  Inv-TIMES to  bags  of  primes:  because
Inv-TIMES is interesting, is related to  the very interesting concept
TIMES,  primes are more interesting  than numbers at  the moment, FD,
and the previous task specifically  suggested this action.  AM  calls
the new result Prime-Times.

:: Restrict the  range of Inv-TIMES to  singletons: because Inv-TIMES
is  interesting, is  related to  the very interesting  concept TIMES,
singletons are  more interesting than  sets at  the moment, a  recent
task specifically  suggested this action, and  FD.  AM  calls the new
result Single-Times.

:: Fill in examples of Prime-times: FX, and Prime-times was  recently
defined,  and  Prime-times  is related  to  the  interesting  concept
Primes, and Prime-times  is related to the interesting concept TIMES.
Many examples are found.

:: Check examples  of Prime-times:  CX, and FD,  and Prime-times  TX.
The value  of Prime-times(x) is  always a singleton  set. Conjecture:
Inv-TIMES(x) contains  precisely one bag of primes. User renames this
conjecture "The unique  factorization theorem".   AM prints out  that
this will  probably be  very natural and  important.  The  reason for
this is that Primes was itself derived from TIMES, so any  conjecture
connecting them  is quite  natural. Any  ⊗4unexpected⊗* such  natural
conjecture will probably be useful.

::  Fill in examples of  Single-TIMES: FX, and this  concept TX. Many

:: Check examples of Single-TIMES: CX,  and it TX, and FD. The  value
of   Single-times(x)  is   always   a   singleton  set.   Conjecture:
Inv-TIMES(x)  contains precisely  one singleton  bag. Single-TIMES is
actually  the   same  as   Bag-insert,   in  the   sense  that   both
Single-TIMES(x)  and Bag-insert(x)  give  the value  (x)  -- the  bag
containing only x. In the latter case, this is because Bag-insert  is
"smart" enough  to supply an  empty bag as  the second argument  S to
Bag-insert(x,S), if S is missing.

::  Fill in  examples  of Self-set-union:  FX. ⊗4AM  has  dropped the
momentum of  its  previous  whirlwind  of discovery,  and  is  simply
marking time, gathering evidence.⊗* Many examples are found.

:: Check  examples of  Self-set-union: CX,  and FD.  Apparently, this
concept is  the same as Identity (but with domain/range restricted to
Sets). Replace by a conjecture.

:: Fill in examples of Self-bag-union: FX.  ⊗4On  the same track, but
boring.⊗* Many found.

:: Check  examples of Self-bag-union: CX, and  FD. All are confirmed.
Nothing interesting noticed.

:: Fill in examples  of  Inv-ADD: FX. Slowly, examples were found.

:: Check  examples  of  Inv-ADD: CX, and FD.  Inv-ADD(x)  always  contains  a
singleton bag (x), a doubleton bag, a tripleton,  a bag of 1's,... So
many conjectures that:

::  Restrict the domain  of Inv-ADD: because  Inv-Add is interesting,
related to the  interesting concept  Add, FD, and  the previous  task
specifically suggested this action. When  the domain is restricted to
primes,  AM defines  `Inv-Add-primes'. When  it restricts  Inv-Add to
work  only on  evens,  AM  thereby  defines the  operation  it  calls

:: Fill in examples of  Inv-add-primes: FX, and this concept was just
defined, and FD.  Many found.

:: Check examples of Inv-add-primes: CX, and FD. All were  confirmed,
but nothing special noticed.

::  Fill in  examples  of Inv-add-evens:  FX,  and this  concept  was
recently defined.  Many examples found.

::   Check  examples  of   Inv-add-evens:  CX,   and  FD.  Confirmed.
Inv-Add-evens(x) always  contains a  bag of  primes.  This is  mildly
surprising, and prompts:

:: Restrict  the range  of Inv-Add-evens to  bags of  primes: because
Inv-Add-evens is recently interesting, and Primes is more interesting
than  Numbers, and  the  previous  task specifically  requested  this
action (hence FD). AM names the new operation Prime-ADD.

:: Restrict  the range of  Inv-ADD to singletons:  because Inv-Add is
interesting, singletons  are  more  interesting than  sets,  AM  just
worked on Inv-Add, AM recently worked on Inv-Add, and an earlier task
specifically suggested this action. Thus Single-Add is born.

::  Fill in  examples of  Prime-ADD: FX,  and Prime-add  was recently
defined.  Many found.

:: Check examples of Prime-ADD: CX, and FD. The value of Prime-ADD(x)
is  always a  nonempty  set  (of bags  of  primes).   So  conjectured
(domain/range  changed).   User  renames this  conjecture "Goldbach's

:: Fill in examples of Single-ADD: FX, and this  concept was recently
defined.  Many found.

::  Check   examples  of  Single-ADD:  CX,  and   FD.  The  value  of
Single-ADD(x) is  always  a  singleton  set.  Conjecture:  Inv-ADD(x)
contains precisely one singleton bag. Single-ADD is actually the same
as Bag-insert (and Single-TIMES).

:: Restrict the range of Prime-ADD to singletons: because analogic to
Prime-TIMES, and  Prime-Add is  interesting, and  Singletons is  more
interesting  than Sets.  This was  initiated  by analogy,  not by  an
earlier  task specifically  suggesting that the  restriction be done.
In this case, AM  is asking which numbers are  uniquely representable
as the sum of two primes. The new operation is Prime-ADD-s.

::  Fill in  examples of  Prime-ADD-s: FX,  and Prime-ADD-s  was just
defined.  Many examples are found, but after a nontrivial  processing

::  Check  examples  of Prime-ADD-s:  CX,  and  FD.  Nothing  special

::  Fill  in  examples  of Times-sq:  FX.    ⊗4Losing  the thread  of
discovery, moving  back to  data-gathering blindness.⊗*  Recall  that
Times-sq is just TIMES restricted to operate on perfect squares. Many
examples found.

::  Check  domain/range  of  Times-sq:  because  the  range  of  this
operation may actually  be Perfect-squares, and examples  of Times-sq
were just  filled in, and this  concept TX, and FD.  The range really
does seem to  be as  hoped for.  Conjecture: the  product of  perfect
squares is a perfect square.

::    Fill    in    examples   of    Times1:    FX.    Recall    that
Times1(x)⊗6≡⊗*TIMES(1,x).  Many found.

:: Check examples  of Times1: CX, and FD. Apparently Times1 is just a
restriction of  Identity.   Times1 is  therefore replaced  by a  lone
conjecture: Times(x,1)=x.

:: Check examples of Times-sq: CX. Confirmed.

:: Fill in examples of Times0: FX, and Times0 TX. Many found.

::  Fill in  examples of  Times2': FX,  and this  operation TX.  Many
found.  Recall that Times2(x) is defined as 2⊗8#⊗*x.

:: Check  examples of Times2': CX, and FD. Apparently, Times2' is the
same as Doubling.  That is, x+x=2⊗8#⊗*x. A very  powerful tie between
Add and  Times!  This was  highly unexpected. It is  not predicted by
the existing analogy.  By analogy, AM now defines Ad2(x) as x+2,  and
will invesitigate that.

:: Fill  in  examples of  Ad2: FX,  and  Ad2 was  jsst created.  Many
examples found.

::  Check examples of Ad2:  CX, and FD.  Nothing interesting noticed.
⊗4AM didn't  have the notion  of Add1-o-Add1  at that  moment, or  it
could have derived the analogic conjecture between successor/addition
that  it  found  between addition/multiplication.  The  same  lack of
knowledge  about   exponentiation   inhibited  the   perception   the
times/exponent analogic  relationship.  Every little  bit of knowledg
about operations  involving Add  served  to raise  the worth  of  Add
slightly. Finally, the following task rises to the top:⊗*


::  Fill in  specializations  of Add:  because  there are  very  many
examples of Add, and Add has recently risen in interest.  Among those
created are: Add0 (x+0), Add1, Add3, Add-sq (addition  restricted to
perfect  squares),  Add-ev (sum  of  even  numbers), Add-pr  (sum  of
primes),  etc.    The techniques  used  were the  same  ones  used to
specialize TIMES earlier.

:: Check examples of Times0: CX. The value always seems to  be 0.  So
conjectured. Times0 goes away.

:: Fill  in examples  of Times-ev: FX.  Recall that Times-ev  is just
like TIMES restricted  to operating  on even  numbers. Many  examples

::  Check examples  of Times-ev:  CX,  and FD.    Apparently all  the
results  are all Evens.   Conjecture: the product of  even numbers is
even.  ⊗4Note that no explicit task of the form "Check D/R" had to be
executed in order to notice and correct this.  The net result here is
the same: a conjecture and an alteration of the Domain/range facet of

:: Fill in  examples of  Times-to-ev: FX. That  is, consider bags  of
numbers which multiply to give an even number. Many found.

:: Fill  in examples of Times-to-sq:  FX. Find bags  of numbers whose
product is  a perfect  square. A  few found  right away,  then  great
difficulty in locating more examples.


:: Check examples  of Times-to-sq: CX,  and FD. All  arguments always
seem  to  be squares.   Conjec:  Times-to-sq  is really  the  same as
Times-sq. Merge the two.  ⊗4This is a false conjecture,  since, e.g.,
the product of the numbers in the bag  (2 2 3 3) is a perfect square,
but  ↓_none_↓ of those  numbers is itself  a square.  This  did AM no
harm, and AM never detected its mistake.⊗*

:: Check  examples of  Times-to-ev: CX.  The domain  always seems  to
contain an  even number.  So  conjectured. ⊗4I.e., if  the product of
some numbers  is  even,  then  so  is  one  of  those  numbers.  This
conjecture is true, at least.⊗*

:: Fill in examples of Self-Union: FX.  ⊗4Reaching way back in time.
Ugh.⊗* Many found.

::   Check   examples   of  Self-Union:   CX, and FD. Nothing special noticed.

:: Fill in examples of SubSet: FX. Many found.

:: Check example of SubSet: CX, and FD. Nothing special noticed.

:: Fill in examples of SuperSet: FX. Many found.


:: Check examples of SuperSet.: CX, and FD.  AM notices that if <x,y>
are related  by SubSet,  then Reverse-ord-pair(<x,y>) are  related by
SuperSet, and  conversely.  This is the base connection between union
and intersection  (see  Tasks  {[3]SUBBAG} and  {[3]SUPERBAG},  where
these two concepts are defined).  That is, x⊂y iff y⊃x.


::  Fill in examples  of Compose-o-Compose-1:  ⊗1FX. AM  creates some
poor combinations  (e.g.,  Square-o-Count-o-ADD-1-),  some  explosive
ones                                                           (e.g.,
(Compose-o-Compose)-o-(Compose-o-Compose)-o-(Compose-o-Compose)), and
even a few -- very few -- winners (e.g., SUB1-o-Count-o-Self-Insert).
⊗4This is too  much like throwing "flying, hooked atoms"  up into the
air,  and hoping  that three  of them  collide fortuitously.  While a
little guidance  may  help you  to  find good  collisions of  2  such
fliers, the  combinatorial explosion swamps the  poor researcher when
he takes them on three at a time. As St. Augustine observed, the Latin
`cogito' derives from `shake together', but `intelligo' derives from
`select among'. ⊗*

:: Check  examples  of  Compose-o-Compose-1:⊗1 CX,  and  FD.  Nothing
interesting to find.

:: Fill  in examples  of Compose-o-Compose-2:⊗1  FX. Recall that  the
difference between  this operation and the last  one is merely in the
order of the composing: F-o-(G-o-H) versus (F-o-G)-o-H.  AM recreates
many of the previous tasks' operations.


::  Check  examples of  Compose-o-Compose-2:⊗1  CX,  and FD.  Nothing
noticed  yet. ⊗4Later  on,  AM finds  that one  after another  of the
operations    created   in    the    preceding    task    as,    say,
Compose-o-Compose-1(F,G,H), is  really the same  as the corresponding
operation  created  as  Compose-o-Compose-2(F,G,H).  Eventually,   AM
conjectures that  those two  Compose-o-Compose operations are  really
the same; that is, Compose is associative.⊗*



:: :- ⊗6{Z7}.⊗* Fill in and check examples of the losing compositions
just created.


:: Fill  in examples  of Add-sq:  FX, and  Add-sq is  related to  the
interesting  concept  Add.   Recall  that  Add-sq is  just  addition,
restricted to perfect squares. Many examples found.

::  Check domain/range entries of Add-sq:  because the range may also
be Perfect-squares, and examples of Add-sq were just filled in (hence
FD), and Add-sq is related to the interesting concept Add.  The range
isn't Perfect-squares (e.g., 4+9 is not square), but some values are,
so AM defines the predicate Add-sq-sq(x,y), which is True iff x and y
are perfect squares  and their sum is a perfect square as well (e.g.,
Add-sq-sq(16,9)).  Add-sq-sq.Defn is a predicate which is true if its
3 arguments  are squares, say  x↑2, y↑2, z↑2, and  if the sum  of the
first two is equal to the third: x↑2+y↑2=z↑2.

::  Fill in  examples of  Add-pr: FX,  and Add-pr  is related  to the
interesting concept Add.  That is, the sum of a pair of primes.

:: Check Domain/range  entries of Add-pr: CX.  AM defines the set  of
pairs  of primes whose  sum is  also a prime  (e.g., Add-pr-pr(2,5)).
⊗4In a rather bizarre way, AM has defined prime pairs. The sum of two
primes can be a prime  iff one of them is 2. So  Add-pr-pr can really
be considered a predicate on one prime argument x, which returns True
iff x+2 is a prime; i.e., iff x is the lower member of a  prime pair.
There is something at once awful and sublime about this derivation of
prime  pairs. Perhaps this captures  the spirit of  AM's actions as a
whole, so let's stop this trace right here.⊗*


.ASSEC(An `Unadulterated' Trace)


Here is the way that the AM program  begins. The human user's typing
will appear  in italics$$ This is not a  doctoring: I have written an
i/o routine for AM which prints α%4 before everything the user types,
and  α%* afterwards.  The `PUB'  documentation program interprets  this to  mean
"switch  to font 4" and  "switch back to font 1".   This document was
PUBBed with font 4 defined as italics. $.  He first types ⊗4(START)⊗*
to start the system, after which AM asks him some questions. Finally,
the main Select&Execute-a-TASK loop of AM is entered.


The  careful  reader  will  notice  several  small  changes  in  this
transcript, compared  to the nicely doctored  ones which preceded it.   
For one thing,  the
task numbering here is  not precisely the same as in the rest of this
document. A  task  is  called a  "Cand",  and the  agenda  is  called
"CANDS".  Only some of the reasons  are printed out, and they are not
as  "chatty" as  the reasons  in. e.g., Chapter  {[2]EXAM1}'s example
trace.  The user has asked AM to type out the top  three tasks on the
agenda at  each "cycle". In  a better hardware  environment, the user
could dynamically watch the top hundred tasks bubbling around on  one
side of a CRT screen.  To interrupt AM, the user types CONTROL-I.
At that  moment  he  has a  very  limited  syntax of
questions he may ask. See (αα) below (page {[3]ALPP}).

An approximate level of familiarity  of the user with the AM  program
is maintained by  AM, as a numeric variable. Initially,  its value is
determined  by the number of times the human  user has used AM in the
past.$$ I shall  resist the  temptation to call  this a simple  "user
model",  even in a  footnote. $  It gradually changes  in value  as a
single session proceeds. Many print  statements use this variable  to
determine  the  necessary  level of  detail  to  type.  For  example,
the line pointed to by an arrow labelled
⊗2(β)⊗*  below with the line labelled
⊗2(ε)⊗*.  In  between, the variable increased to
the point where  a detailed  message was thought  to be  superfluous.
The level  of detail needed for  clarity should not be  confused with
the  level of verbosity of  output that is desired.  Should the user see
every function call, or the results of each task, or just monitor the
overall  character  of  what AM  is  doing?  A  separate variable  is
maintained for this verbosity indication.  Finally, another partially
independent dimension  is the amount  of control  the user wishes  to
have on AM. Must he approve each move AM makes, occasionally redirect
AM, be able to ask questions? Another variable indicates the level of
user control  in effect  at the moment.  The first  several questions
deal with setting up these parameters.


INTERLISP-10   4-JAN-75 ...

Good afternoon, Doug.


 Please type in your last name ( then carriage-return):⊗4FEIGENBAUM⊗*

 Almost ready to enter AM's main loop,  Ed.

Ed, you have used AM once before.
Do you feel like you need some refreshing about how to work with it? ⊗4Yes⊗*

       AM has 113 concepts to start with,  each with only
 about 5 of its potential 30 facets ( parts) filled in.
       Repeatedly,  AM selects a part of a concept, 
 and tries to fill it in or check it. In this process,  new
 concepts may emerge and be granted full status; in those cases, 
 almost all their parts will be empty at the time of their creation.

       CANDS is a list of suggested future activities for AM.
 Repeatedly,  AM picks a Candidate from CANDS and does what it says.
 A typical Cand might be:
             ( Fill in examples of interesting compositions).
       Each Cand also has a list of reasons explaining why it was
 proposed,  and a numeric rating of its overall value.

       DO-THRESHhold is a numeric variable that indicates the lowest
 rating a Cand may have and still be executed by AM.
 If no Cand on CANDS measures up,  then all the concepts try to suggest 
new candidates,  which are merged into CANDS.

       DISCLAIMER: The user interface is still unfinished,  and in fact 
the only polished part is the following message describing it!  Try it 
at your own risk! 

       You,  Ed,  can affect this concept growing process.
 At any time,  you may hit α↑I,  which will Interrupt me.
 Once interrupted,  I will answer one question or perform one task;
 a typical question I can answer is WHY;
 a typical task is ( Raise the Interest Level of the Frobnate Concept).
       A second way to interact with me is to help me decide
 which Cand to do next each time. You can see my top choices,  their
 reasons,  and overrule me if you want. The variable Seencands is
 the number of Candidates you see each time,  and Ucontrol indicates
 the amount of control you have over my choosing.

       To keep you informed,  I will periodically print out messages.
 The level of verbosity can be changed by interrupting me.

      More details can be obtained when you interrupt with α↑I.

Verbosity Level (1 - 10, or ?) ....  ( Please terminate your response 
with a carriage-return) ...⊗4?⊗*

       Verbosity = the amount of data that AM spews out to Ed.
       In this system,  Verbosity is just a numeric-valued variable
             which the Printing functions look at.
       Verbosity level 0 suppresses all messages.
       Verbosity level 5 lets most important messages get printed.
       Verbosity level 10 dumps out enough to actually get some
             feeling for the inner workings of AM.

       The suggested value for Ed is 8.

Verbosity Level (1 - 10, or ?) ....  ( Please terminate your response 
with a carriage-return) ...⊗410⊗*

User-control Level ( 0 - 10,  or ? ) ....⊗4?⊗*

       User-control = the degree to which you supervise AM's activities
       In this system,  User-control is just a numeric-valued variable
             which the top-level control functions look at.
       User-control level 0 lets you gain control only via α↑I.
       User-control level 5 lets you see a few of AM's alternatives, 
             and waits 6 seconds for you to OK its choice.
       User-control level 10 displays several alternative Candidates, 
             and waits indefinitely until you to select one.

 User-control Level ( 0 - 10,  or ? ) ....⊗44⊗*

 Before deciding which new Cand to work on, I'll print my top choices.

 How many Candidates would you like to see each time?  
       ( I suggest  4): ⊗43⊗*

 Should I tell you my reasons for each Cand I am considering selecting 
each time?    ⊗4No⊗*

 Should I tell you my reasons for the Cand I actually select each time? 

       If you have not typed anything within 4 seconds after a prompt,  
then AM will fill in a default answer for you.
 A space will suffice to keep AM from defaulting on you, 
 while you think about what to reply to any question AM asks you.
 In general,  your response should be terminated by a carriage return.

 Would you like to reset this waiting time?  ⊗4No⊗*

Entering AM's main loop now.

 No Cand on CANDS is good enuf.
 Do-thresh reduced from 500 to 333
 Must find new candidates and merge them into CANDS.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Set-struc-intersect
    2: Fill in some examples of Set-struc-join
    3: Fill in some examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (We have no examples

      Beginning 1st cycle.

Failed.  Tried to fill in new examples of SET-STRUC-INTERSECT.

⊗6<At this moment, the user hit control-I and interrupted AM.>⊗*
?:  (W, I, E, M, N, ?, Q) ⊗4?⊗* →⊗8←αααα⊗*⊗2(αα)⊗3

 Here are more detailed explanations of your options:
 W       Why: AM gives Ed the explanation behind its last printed
 I       Interest: Ed can modify the interest ratings of concepts and
 E       Evaluate: Ed types in an expression and AM runs EVAL on it.
 M       Message: What was the last message that AM did NOT type out
             because the verbosity was too low? 
 N       Name: Rename some concept to whatever you want to call it.
 Q       Quit: resume execution.

 In general,  AM will automatically resume execution after answering one
 query. You must hit α↑I again to interrupt.

?: ⊗4W⊗*
       Why: (No examples of SET-STRUC-INTERSECT were found; there
is no reason to even consider specializing it further)

 This Cand used 11.159 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Set-struc
    2: Fill in some examples of Coalesce
    3: Fill in some examples of Nonempty-struc

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The 2 reasons for considering this Cand are:
      (Active-exs specifically asked for some examples of SET-STRUC
,  while trying to Fill in some Set-struc-intersect examples)
      (We have no examples for SET-STRUC yet)

      Beginning 2nd cycle.

 Creating new Being,  similar to SET-STRUC,  named INT-SET-STRUC,  but 
restricted so as to make it more interesting.
       An INT-SET-STRUC is any SET-STRUC for which (Each pair of 
elements satisfies the same interesting predicate P (for some P)).

 Filled in examples of SET-STRUC.
       0 examples existed originally on SET-STRUC.
       11 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      (CLASS R0-7 R1-7 R2-7 R3-7 R4-7 R5-7 R6-7 R7-7)
      (CLASS A)
      (CLASS B)
      (CLASS A B)
      (CLASS 0 D F I M)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 7 new,  distinct examples of SET-STRUC had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 332 to 346 because this last Cand succeeded,  so 
we raise our hopes-- and our standards-- temporarily.→⊗8←αααα⊗*⊗2(β)⊗3

 This Cand used 23.743 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Int-set-struc
    2: Fill in some examples of Coalesce
    3: Check all examples of Set-struc

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (Any example of 
INT-SET-STRUC is automatically an interesting example of SET-STRUC)

      Beginning 3rd cycle.

 Won't try to create a restricted interesting version of INT-SET-STRUC.

 Filled in examples of INT-SET-STRUC.
       0 examples existed originally on INT-SET-STRUC.
       13 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      (CLASS A)
      (CLASS B)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 3 new,  distinct examples of INT-SET-STRUC had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 346 to 358.→⊗8←αααα⊗*⊗2(ε)⊗3

 This Cand used 11.881 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Obj-equal
    2: Check all examples of Int-set-struc
    3: Check all examples of Set-struc

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (We have no examples
for OBJ-EQUAL yet)

      Beginning 4th cycle.

 Record of attempts to find examples:-----------------------------------
 An ex ( sought) is: ((CLASS A),(CLASS A) → T) +------------------

 Found 6 examples ( and 151 non-exs),  in 11.644 secs.
 Ratio of exs to non-exs is too low ( 6 / 151); Exs are too sparse.
       AM will sometime try to generalize OBJ-EQUAL.
 Won't try to create a restricted interesting version of OBJ-EQUAL.

 Filled in examples of OBJ-EQUAL.
       0 examples existed originally on OBJ-EQUAL.
       6 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      ((CLASS A)  (CLASS A)   →  T)
      ((CLASS O D F I M)  (CLASS O D F I M)   →  T)
      (FALSE    FALSE   →  T)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 3 new,  distinct examples of OBJ-EQUAL had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 358 to 359.

 This Cand used 17.886 cpu seconds.

 No Cand on CANDS is good enuf.
 Do-thresh reduced from 359 to 239
 Must find new candidates and merge them into CANDS.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Set-struc-intersect
    2: Check all examples of Int-set-struc
    3: Fill in some generalizations of Obj-equal

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (We have no examples

 AM recently tried this same Cand,  so let's skip it now.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Check all examples of Int-set-struc
    2: Fill in some generalizations of Obj-equal
    3: Check all examples of Set-struc

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (Some new ,  unchecked
examples of INT-SET-STRUC have recently been added)

      Beginning 5th cycle.

 AM is forgetting the entire SUGG facet of the INT-SET-STRUC concept.
       Because: (No sense using this suggestion more than once).

 Checked examples of INT-SET-STRUC and all entries were confirmed

 This Cand used 11.362 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Check all examples of Set-struc
    2: Fill in some generalizations of Obj-equal
    3: Fill in some examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (Some new ,  unchecked
examples of SET-STRUC have recently been added)

      Beginning 6th cycle.

 Based on empirical experiments,  AM believes that SET-STRUC may really 
be no more specialized than UNORD-OBJ.

 Closer inspection reveals that the evidence for this was quite flimsy.
 AM will wait until some examples of any of these have been found: (
BAG-STRUC),  and then see if they truly also are SET-STRUC's.

 Based on empirical experiments,  AM believes that SET-STRUC may really 
be no more specialized than NONMULT-STRUC.

 Closer inspection reveals that the evidence for this was quite flimsy.
 AM will wait until some examples of any of these have been found: (
OSET-STRUC),  and then see if they truly also are SET-STRUC's.

 Checked examples of SET-STRUC.
       5 entries were there initially.
       1 small modifications had to be made.
       5 entries are present now.

 This Cand used 8.008 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Bag-struc
    2: Fill in some examples of Oset-struc
    3: Fill in some generalizations of Obj-equal

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason for considering this Cand is: (We have no examples
for BAG-STRUC yet)

      Beginning 7th cycle.

 Filled in examples of BAG-STRUC.
       0 examples existed originally on BAG-STRUC.
       19 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      (BAG A)
      (BAG B)
      (BAG A B)
      (BAG A A)
      (BAG A A B)
      (BAG 0 D F I M)
      (BAG A B (BAG B) (CLASS))
      (BAG R0-7 R1-7 R2-7 R3-7 R4-7 R5-7 R6-7 R7-7)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 10 new,  distinct examples of BAG-STRUC had to be added.


 Do-thresh raised from 239 to 264.

 This Cand used 17.692 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some generalizations of Obj-equal
    2: Fill in some examples of Oset-struc
    3: Fill in some examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (The ratio of examples to non-examples of 
OBJ-EQUAL is too low ; OBJ-EQUAL is too specialized ,  too narrow)

      Beginning 8th cycle.

 Considering genlizing a recursive defn of OBJ-EQUAL
      Will try to remove a conjunct.
      2 possible conjuncts to choose from.
       AM generalizes OBJ-EQUAL into the new concept GENL-OBJ-EQUAL,  by
 not recursing on the CAR of each arg.
 i.e.,  GENL-OBJ-EQUAL will not have a recursive check
 like this one,  which is present in OBJ-EQUAL:

      (QUOTE DEFN)
      (CAR BA1)
      (CAR BA2)
       AM generalizes OBJ-EQUAL into the new concept GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1,  
by not recursing on the CDR of each arg.
 i.e.,  GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 will not have a recursive check
 like this one,  which is present in OBJ-EQUAL:

      (QUOTE DEFN)
      (CDR BA1)
      (CDR BA2)

 If any of (GENL-OBJ-EQUAL GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1) ever seems to be too 
specialized,  AM will consider disjoining it with other members of that 

 Filled in generalizations of OBJ-EQUAL.
       0 generalizations existed originally on OBJ-EQUAL.
       2 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed generalizations are:
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 all 2 new,  distinct generalizations of OBJ-EQUAL had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 264 to 335.

 This Cand used 6.667 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Genl-obj-equal-1
    2: Fill in some examples of Genl-obj-equal
    3: Fill in some examplls of Oset-struc

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (The generalization GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 of OBJ-EQUAL
is relatively new and has no exs of its own yet ,  excepting those

      Beginning 9th cycle.

?: ⊗4N⊗*

 Rename which existing concept? ⊗4GENL-OBJ-EQUAL⊗*

 What is its new name? ⊗4SAME-SIZE⊗*


 Record of attempts to find examples:
 An ex ( sought) is: ((VECTOR BAG) (VECTOR B (BAG B) (CLASS) A))+-----++

 Found 26 examples ( and 105 non-exs),  in 8.037 secs.
 A nice ratio of exs/non-exs was encountered for GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1
 Won't try to create a restricted interesting version of 

 Filled in examples of GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1.
       0 examples existed originally on GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1.
       26 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      ((OSET 0 D F I M) (OSET 0 D F I M)  → T)
      ((BAG) (BAG DON ED) → T)
      ((OSET D M I F 0) (OSET D M I F 0) → T)
      ((VECTOR BAG) (VECTOR D M I F 0) → T)
      ((VECTOR B) (VECTOR D M I F 0) → T)
      ((BAG B) (BAG B) → T)
      ((VECTOR D M I F 0) (VECTOR A A B) → T)
      ((BAG A) (BAG A B) → T)
      ((VECTOR) (VECTOR B (BAG B) (CLASS) A) → T)
      ((OSET BRUCE DON) (OSET B A) → T)
      ((OSET R2-1 R2-2 R2-3 R2-4 R2-5 R2-6 R3-1 R3-2 R3-3 R3-4 R3-5
R3-6 R4-1 R4-2 R4-3 R4-4 R4-5 R4-6 R5-1 R5-2 R5-3 R5-4 R5-5 R5-6 R6-1
R6-2 R6-3 R6-4 R6-5 R6-6) (OSET 0 D F I M) → T)
      ((OSET A B (BAG B) (CLASS)) (OSET B (BAG B) (CLASS) A) → T)
      ((OSET 0 D F I M) (OSET B) → T)
      ((VECTOR A A) (VECTOR A B) → T)
      ((OSET DON ED) (OSET BAG) → T)
      ((BAG A A B) (BAG) → T)
      ((OSET B) (OSET BRUCE DON) → T)
      ((CLASS DON ED) (CLASS A) → T)
      ((VECTOR) (VECTOR BAG) → T)
      ((OSET A) (OSET D M I F 0) → T)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 25 new,  distinct examples of GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 335 to 367.

 This Cand used 29.095 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Same-size
    2: Check all examples of Genl-obj-equal-1
    3: Fill in some examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The 2 reasons are:
      (Interestingness of SAME-SIZE has changed recently)
      (The generalization SAME-SIZE of OBJ-EQUAL is relatively new
and has no exs of its own yet ,  excepting those of OBJ-EQUAL)

      Beginning 10th cycle.

 Record of attempts to find examples:
 An ex ( sought) is: ((VECTOR A) (OSET B))+---+--+--------+----++++-----

 Found 26 examples ( and 102 non-exs),  in 8.032 secs.
 A nice ratio of exs/non-exs was encountered for SAME-SIZE
 Won't try to create a restricted interesting version of SAME-SIZE.

 Filled in examples of SAME-SIZE.
       0 examples existed originally on SAME-SIZE.
       36 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      ((OSET 0 D F I M) (OSET 0 D F I M) → T)
      ((OSET D M I F 0) (OSET D M I F 0) → T)
      ((BAG B) (BAG B) → T)
      ((OSET BRUCE DON) (OSET B A) → T)
      ((OSET A B (BAG B) (CLASS)) (OSET B (BAG B) (CLASS) A) → T)
      ((VECTOR A A) (VECTOR A B) → T)
      ((VECTOR A) (OSET B) → T)
      ((BAG A B) (OSET B A) → T)
      ((CLASS 0 D F I M) (BAG 0 D F I M) → T)
      ((VECTOR B) (BAG A) → T)
      ((BAG 0 D F I M) (VECTOR D M I F 0) → T)
      ((VECTOR B) (BAG B) → T)
      ((OSET BAG) (OSET A) → T)
      ((VECTOR A A) (BAG A A) → T)
      ((CLASS A) (VECTOR BAG) → T)
      ((CLASS A B) (OSET A B) → T)
      ((VECTOR A) (OSET A) → T)
      ((OSET BAG) (CLASS A) → T)
      ((OSET A) (CLASS A) → T)
      ((OSET B) (OSET A) → T)
      ((BAG 0 D F I M) (OSET 0 D F I M) → T)
      ((OSET ED CORDELL) (OSET B A) → T)
      ((OSET A) (BAG B) → T)
      ((OSET B A) (OSET A B) → T)
      ((OSET A) (VECTOR BAG) → T)
      ((OSET B A) (OSET DON ED) → T)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 35 new,  distinct examples of SAME-SIZE had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 367 to 406.

 This Cand used 21.725 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Check all examples of Same-size
    2: Check all examples of Genl-obj-equal-1
    3: Check all things which just barely miss being examples of 

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (Some new ,  unchecked examples of SAME-SIZE
have recently been added)

      Beginning 11st cycle.

 Checked examples of SAME-SIZE.
       35 entries were there initially.
       1 had to be completely discarded.
       4 had to be transferred elsewhere.
       30 entries are present now.

 Do-thresh raised from 406 to 421.

 This Cand used 6.917 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Check all examples of Genl-obj-equal-1
    2: Check all things which just barely miss being examples of 
    3: Fill in some examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (Some new ,  unchecked examples of 
GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 have recently been added)

      Beginning 12nd cycle.

 Checked examples of GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1.
       25 entries were there initially.
       1 had to be completely discarded.
       4 had to be transferred elsewhere.
       20 entries are present now.

 This Cand used 4.711 cpu seconds.

 No Cand on CANDS is good enuf.
 Do-thresh reduced from 421 to 333
 Must find new candidates and merge them into CANDS.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Canonize these 2 arguments:  Genl-obj-equal-1 and Obj-equal
    2: Canonize these 2 arguments:  Same-size and Obj-equal
    3: Fill in some examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (It would be nice to find a canonical  ( with
respect to Genl-obj-equal-1 and Obj-equal ) representation C for any
Object X ; that is ,  
  ( GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 x y ) iff 
  ( OBJ-EQUAL  ( C x )    ( C y ) ) .

      Beginning 13rd cycle.

 Experiments indicate that GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 is affected by the varying 
the type of structure of its arguments.

 GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 doesn't look at any elements of OBJECT except possibly
 the car of the structure which denotes its type,  so AM replaces the 
tail of OBJECT by a canonical distinguished tail,  say NIL.


 Some conjectures that AM considers believable:

 OBJ-EQUAL,  restricted to canonical OBJECT's,  is indistinguishable 

 There is a powerful analogy between

operators on and into            those operators restricted to
statements involving these.......statements involving these

 Do-thresh raised from 333 to 341.

 This Cand used 9.02 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Canonical-object
    2: Restrict the following:  Genl-obj-equal-1 Canonical-object Domain
    3: Canonize these 2 arguments:  Same-size and Obj-equal

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (Any example of CANONICAL-OBJECT is a canonical
example of OBJECT)

      Beginning 14th cycle.

 AM will now try to produce examples of CANONICAL-OBJECT by running the 
following operations:

 Won't try to create a restricted interesting version of 

 Filled in examples of CANONICAL-OBJECT.
       0 examples existed originally on CANONICAL-OBJECT.
       165 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 12 new,  distinct examples of CANONICAL-OBJECT had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 341 to 391.

 This Cand used 23.827 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Restrict the following:  Genl-obj-equal-1 Canonical-object Domain
    2: Canonize these 2 arguments:  Same-size and Obj-equal
    3: Fill in examples of Coalesce

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 was one of the predicates
which defined the new concept CANONICAL-OBJECT ,  so it is worth 
considering the restriction of GENL-OBJ-EQUAL-1 to that subset of

      Beginning 15th cycle.


 Do-thresh raised from 391 to 431.

 This Cand used 3.562 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Canonize these 2 arguments:  Same-size and Obj-equal
    2: Fill in some examples of Coalesce
    3: Restrict the following:  Obj-equal Canonical-object Domain 

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes.⊗*

       The reason is: (It would be nice to find a canonical  ( with
respect to Same-size and Obj-equal ) representation C for any Object
X ; that is ,  
  ( SAME-SIZE x y ) iff 
  ( OBJ-EQUAL  ( C x )    ( C y ) ) .

      Beginning 16th cycle.

 Experiments indicate that SAME-SIZE is not affected by varying the type
 of structure of its arguments.

 Experiments indicate that SAME-SIZE is not affected by reordering 
elements of its structural arguments.
       So any canonical arguments can be Bags and Sets.

 Experiments indicate that SAME-SIZE is affected by the presence of 
multiple elements in its structural arguments.
       So any canonical arguments can be Bags and Lists.

 SAME-SIZE doesn't look at the specific elements in OBJECT,  like 
OBJ-EQUAL does,  so AM can replace them all by a single distinguished 
element,  say T.


 Some conjectures that AM considers believable:

 OBJ-EQUAL,  restricted to canonical BAG-STRUC's,  is indistinguishable 

 There is a powerful analogy between

operators on and into............those operators restricted to
      BAG-STRUC..................      CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC
statements involving these.......statements involving these

 Do-thresh raised from 431 to 457.

 This Cand used 17.297 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Canonical-bag-struc
    2: Restrict the following:  Same-size Canonical-bag-struc Domain 
    3: Restrict the following:  Bag-struc-join Canonical-bag-struc Domain 

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes⊗*.

       The reason is: (Any example of CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC is a canonical
example of BAG-STRUC)

      Beginning 17th cycle.

 AM will now try to produce examples of CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC by running 
the following operations:

 Filled in examples of CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC.
       0 examples existed originally on CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC.
       211 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      (BAG T T)
      (BAG T T T)
      (BAG T)
      (BAG T T T T T)
      (BAG T T T T)
      (BAG T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
T T)
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 7 new,  distinct examples of CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 457 to 478.

 This Cand used 35.918 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Restrict the following:  Same-size Canonical-bag-struc Domain 
    2: Restrict the following:  Bag-struc-join Canonical-bag-struc Domain
    3: Restrict the following:  Obj-equal Canonical-object Domain 

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes⊗*.

       The reason is: (SAME-SIZE was one of the predicates which defined
the new concept CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC ,  so it is worth considering
the restriction of SAME-SIZE to that subset of BAG-STRUC 's)

      Beginning 18th cycle.


 Do-thresh raised from 478 to 495.

 This Cand used 3.311 cpu seconds.

?: ⊗4N⊗*

 Rename which existing concept? ⊗4CANONICAL-BAG-STRUC⊗*

 What is its new name? ⊗4NUMBER⊗*


?:  (W, I, E, M, N, ?, Q) ⊗4N⊗*

 Rename which existing concept? ⊗4CANONIZE-SAME-SIZE&OBJ-EQUAL⊗*

 What is its new name? ⊗4SIZE⊗*


 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Check all examples of Number
    2: Restrict the following:  Obj-equal Canonical-object Domain 
    3: Check all examples of Canonical-object

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes⊗*.

       The 2 reasons are:
      (Interestingness of NUMBER has changed recently)
      (Some new ,  unchecked examples of NUMBER have recently been

      Beginning 19th cycle.

 Checked examples of NUMBER and all entries were confirmed

 This Cand used 1.909 cpu seconds.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Check all examples of Canonical-object
    2: Check all things which just barely miss being examples of Number
    3: Restrict the following: Bag-struc-join Number Domain

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes⊗*.

       The reason is: (Some new ,  unchecked examples of 
CANONICAL-OBJECT have recently been added)

      Beginning 20th cycle.

 CANONICAL-OBJECT has 7 examples which occupy 11 list cells,  but is not
 interesting enough to warrant taking up that much space; so about 2 
will be selected at random and forgotten.
 Checked examples of CANONICAL-OBJECT.
       12 entries were there initially.
       10 were never confirmed or rejected.
       2 had to be completely discarded.
       5 entries are present now.

 This Cand used 16. 626 cpu seconds.

 No Cand on CANDS is good enuf.
 Do-thresh reduced from 495 to 340
 Must find new candidates and merge them into CANDS.

 The top 3 Cands are:
    1: Fill in some examples of Size
    2: Fill in some examples of Coalesce
    3: Restrict the following: Bag-struc-join Number Domain

 I choose first Cand.       OK?   ⊗4yes⊗*.

       The reason is: (We have no examples for SIZE yet)

      Beginning 21st cycle.

 Record of attempts to find examples:
 An ex ( sought) is: (BAG T T)++++++++++++++++++++++++++

 Found 26 examples ( and 0 non-exs),  in .996 secs.
 A nice ratio of exs/non-exs was encountered for SIZE
 Won't try to create a restricted interesting version of SIZE.

 Filled in examples of SIZE.
       13 examples existed originally on SIZE.
       26 potential new entries were just proposed.

 Eliminating duplicates,  the newly constructed examples are:
      ((BAG T T) → (BAG T T))
      ((BAG T T T T T) → (BAG T T T T T))
      ((BAG B) → (BAG T))
      ((BAG A A) → (BAG T T))
      ((BAG T T T) → (BAG T T T))
      ((BAG T T T T) → (BAG T T T T))
      ((BAG A B) → (BAG T T))
      ((BAG R2-1 R2-2 R2-3 R2-4 R2-5 R2-6 R3-1 R3-2 R3-3 R3-4 R3-5
R3-6 R4-1 R4-2 R4-3 R4-4 R4-5 R4-6 R5-1 R5-2 R5-3 R5-4 R5-5 R5-6 R6-1
R6-2 R6-3 R6-4 R6-5 R6-6) → (BAG T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
T T T T T T T T T T T T))
      ((BAG A A B) → (BAG T T T))
      ((BAG 0 D F I M) → (BAG T T T T T))
      ((BAG A) → (BAG T))
      ((BAG T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
T T T) → (BAG T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
T T T))
      ((BAG DON ED) → (BAG T T))
      ((BAG A B (BAG B) → (CLASS)) (BAG T T T T))
      ((BAG A B) → (BAG T T))
 After eliminating duplicate and already-known entries,  AM finds that.
 only 14 new,  distinct examples of SIZE had to be added.

 Do-thresh raised from 340 to 414.

 This Cand used 9.2 cpu seconds.
